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A new twofold Cornacchia-type algorithm and its applications

Digital Signature Schemes over the Ring Z[e2πi/5]

One-Dimensional Pseudo-Chaotic Sequences Based on the Discrete Arnold’s Cat Map Over ℤ₃ᵐ

A proactive secret sharing scheme based on Chinese remainder theorem

Explicit Small Image Theorems for Residual Modular Representations

On Constructions of One-Lee Weight Codes Over Z₄

Unifying the Clifford hierarchy via symmetric matrices over rings

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Study for Ring of Quotients and Multiplicative Subset

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Quantum computing thanks to Bianchi groups

Channel Decoding for Nonbinary Physical-Layer Network Coding in Two-Way Relay Systems

Brauer groups of Châtelet surfaces over local fields

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Integer Ring 정수 링

Integer Ring 정수 링
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