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Portal and hepatic vein embolization prior to major hepatectomy.

“TRPV1 is a component of the atrial natriuretic signaling complex, and using orally delivered antagonists, presents a valid therapeutic target in the longitudinal reversal and treatment of cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure”

Pharmacological Characterization of a Novel 5-Hydroxybenzothiazolone-Derived β2-Adrenoceptor Agonist with Functional Selectivity for Anabolic Effects on Skeletal Muscle Resulting in a Wider Cardiovascular Safety Window in Preclinical Studies

Extracellular transglutaminase 2 induces myotube hypertrophy through G protein-coupled receptor 56.

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Induces Hypertrophy 비대 유도

Induces Hypertrophy 비대 유도
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