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Comparison of Absorbed and Intercepted Fractions of PAR for Individual Trees Based on Radiative Transfer Model Simulations

Multi-brightness layers with a genetic optimization algorithm for stereo matching under dramatic illumination changes.

Illumination Variations sentence examples within Severe Illumination Variations

Face illumination recovery for the deep learning feature under severe illumination variations

General logarithm difference model for severe illumination variation face recognition

Illumination Variations sentence examples within Sudden Illumination Variations

A new spatio-temporal background–foreground bimodal for motion segmentation and detection in urban traffic scenes

Structural Low-Rank Tracking

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The Multimodal Driver Monitoring Database: A Naturalistic Corpus to Study Driver Attention

Accurate and Robust Stereo Direct Visual Odometry for Agricultural Environment

Multi-Target DoA Estimation with an Audio-Visual Fusion Mechanism

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An effective face recognition method using guided image filter and convolutional neural network

Dense Compounded Features and Data Association Based Multiple People Tracking

Multi-scale Feature Mergence Reinforced Network for Person Re-Identification

A Multi-path CNN for Automated Skin Lesion Segmentation

A Robust Linear Regression Feature Selection Method for Data Sets with Unknown Noise

3D CNN for Human Action Recognition

Multi-Resolution Aitchison Geometry Image Denoising for Low-Light Photography

A Visual Leader-Following Approach With a T-D-R Framework for Quadruped Robots

Unconstrained Facial Expression Recogniton Based on Cascade Decision and Gabor Filters

One for All: An End-to-End Compact Solution for Hand Gesture Recognition

Local stereo matching algorithm using modified dynamic cost computation

A Novel 3D LiDAR SLAM Based on Directed Geometry Point and Sparse Frame

Colorimetric Space Study: Application for Line Detection on Airport Areas

Based on infrared laser Imaging research on foreign objects detection between subway door

Colonoscopic Polyp Classification Using Local Shape and Texture Features

Savitzky–Golay filter energy features-based approach to face recognition using symbolic modeling

An efficient three-dimensional face recognition system based random forest and geodesic curves

Illumination compensation algorithm for colorimetric detection of microfluidic paper-based devices with a smartphone

Heart rate estimation from facial videos using nonlinear mode decomposition and improved consistency check

Development and evaluation of a color-image-based visual roughness measurement method with illumination robustness.

A novel background updation algorithm using fuzzy c-means clustering for pedestrian detection

VGHN: variations aware geometric moments and histogram features normalization for robust uncontrolled face recognition

Study on Reflection-Based Imaging Finger Vein Recognition

Information Reuse Attention in Convolutional Neural Networks for Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild

Reflection angle/azimuth-dependent least-squares reverse time migration

Illumination Inconsistency Reduction in Video Frames using DSIHE with Kekre’s LUV Color Space

An Improved Algorithm Robust to Illumination Variations for Reconstructing Point Cloud Models from Images

Practical limitations of lane detection algorithm based on Hough transform in challenging scenarios

An efficient face recognition approach combining likelihood-based sufficient dimension reduction and LDA

Remote Heart Rate Measurement From Near-Infrared Videos Based on Joint Blind Source Separation With Delay-Coordinate Transformation

Optic disc segmentation by U-net and probability bubble in abnormal fundus images

Spatio-Temporal Context, Correlation Filter and Measurement Estimation Collaboration Based Visual Object Tracking

Object Tracking Methods:A Review

Local Appearance based Novel Facial Feature Extraction Method for Human Expression Recognition

Illumination Estimation and Compensation of Low Frame Rate Video Sequences for Wavelet-Based Video Compression

Visual Object Tracking in RGB-D Data via Genetic Feature Learning

Endoscopic Vision Augmentation Using Multiscale Bilateral-Weighted Retinex for Robotic Surgery

A Robust Pose & Illumination Invariant Emotion Recognition from Facial Images using Deep Learning for Human-Machine Interface

Visual tracking based on robust appearance model

Hybrid Scheme for Eye Center Localization in Color Images

DLFace: Deep local descriptor for cross-modality face recognition

On illumination-invariant variational optical flow for weakly textured scenes

Face Recognition from Sequential Sparse 3D Data via Deep Registration

A person re-identification framework by inlier-set group modeling for video surveillance


Illumination-Adaptive Person Re-identification

Robust visual tracking for planar objects using gradient orientation pyramid

Biometric Fish Classification of Temperate Species Using Convolutional Neural Network with Squeeze-and-Excitation

Efficient Pre-Designed Convolutional Front-End for Deep Learning

Low-resolution face recognition and the importance of proper alignment

Pedestrian Detection using Fuzzy Clustering and Histogram of Oriented Gradients

Multimodal Camera-Based Gender Recognition Using Human-Body Image With Two-Step Reconstruction Network

Face Recognition based on Illumination Invariant Techniques Model

Modified Architecture for Detection of Moving Objects

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Affine-Function Transformation-Based Object Matching for Vehicle Detection from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Imagery

Identification of human actor in various scenarios by applying background modeling

Reverse and Boundary Attention Network for Road Segmentation

Single Sample Face Recognition Under Varying Illumination via QRCP Decomposition

Improving Shadow Suppression for Illumination Robust Face Recognition

Compressed Holistic Convolutional Neural Network-based Descriptors for Scene Recognition

Accurate and Efficient Segmentation of Optic Disc and Optic Cup in Retinal Images Integrating Multi-View Information

Remote Monitoring of Vital Signs in Diverse Non-Clinical and Clinical Scenarios Using Computer Vision Systems: A Review

Problem Definition on Face Recognition: A Review

Poses Guide Spatiotemporal Model for Vehicle Re-identification

Video-Based Heart Rate Measurement: Recent Advances and Future Prospects

Automatic license plate detection and recognition framework to enhance security applications

Background Modeling Through Spatiotemporal Edge Feature and Color

HGR-Net: a fusion network for hand gesture segmentation and recognition

Driver Drowsiness Detection by Yawn Identification Based on Depth Information and Active Contour Model

Multi-Layer Progressive Face Alignment by Integrating Global Match and Local Refinement

Multi-lane Detection Robust to Complex Illumination Variations and Noise Sources

Visual tracking tracker via object proposals and co-trained kernelized correlation filters

Detection Object on Sea Surface to Avoid Collision with Post-Processed in Background Subtraction Image

A Novel Motion Detection Method Using 3D Discrete Wavelet Transform

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Illumination Variations 조명 변형

Illumination Variations 조명 변형
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