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Illumination Microscope sentence examples within Structured Illumination Microscope

Multi-color structured illumination microscopy for live cell imaging based on the enhanced image recombination transform algorithm.

A holographic method for generating structured illumination of structured illumination microscopy

Illumination Microscope sentence examples within Plane Illumination Microscope

Simultaneous mapping of molecular proximity and co-mobility reveals agonist-enhanced dimerization and DNA binding of nuclear receptors.

Light-sheet modulation for increased light-efficiency in a selective plane illumination microscope

Multi-color structured illumination microscopy for live cell imaging based on the enhanced image recombination transform algorithm.

A holographic method for generating structured illumination of structured illumination microscopy

High Dynamic Range Structured Illumination Microscope Based on Multiple Exposures

High-resolution corneal and lens imaging with retroillumination microscopy

Metamaterial assisted illumination nanoscopy using super-resolution speckles

Highly compact and cost-effective 2-beam super-resolution structured illumination microscope based on all-fiber optic components.

Donor-Acceptor Typed AIE Luminogens with Near-infrared Emission for Super-resolution Imaging

A Deep Learning Bidirectional Temporal Tracking Algorithm for Automated Blood Cell Counting from Non-invasive Capillaroscopy Videos

Event-driven acquisition for content-enriched microscopy

Compact and low-cost structured illumination microscopy using an optical fiber coupler

Polarized structured illumination microscopy

Simultaneous mapping of molecular proximity and co-mobility reveals agonist-enhanced dimerization and DNA binding of nuclear receptors.

Light-sheet modulation for increased light-efficiency in a selective plane illumination microscope

Real-Time 3D High-Resolution Microscopy of Human Cells on the International Space Station

Fast, 3D isotropic imaging of whole mouse brain using multi-angle-resolved subvoxel SPIM

Nanostructured substrates for super-resolution imaging

A concept for single-shot volumetric fluorescence imaging via orthogonally polarized excitation lattices

Contrast enhancement by oblique illumination microscopy with an LED array

Whole-brain imaging of sensory processing in larval zebrafish

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Illumination Microscope 조명 현미경

Illumination Microscope 조명 현미경
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