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Illumination Estimation sentence examples within Robust Illumination Estimation

GLEAM -- An Illumination Estimation Framework for Real-time Photorealistic Augmented Reality on Mobile Devices (demo)

GLEAM: An Illumination Estimation Framework for Real-time Photorealistic Augmented Reality on Mobile Devices

Illumination Estimation sentence examples within Perform Illumination Estimation

Autonomous robot navigation using Retinex algorithm for multiscale image adaptability in low-light environment

Color Beaver: Bounding Illumination Estimations for Higher Accuracy

Illumination Estimation sentence examples within International Illumination Estimation

SDE-AWB: a generic solution for 2nd International Illumination Estimation Challenge

Consensus-driven illuminant estimation with GANs

Learn more from Illumination Estimation 조도 추정

Illumination Estimation sentence examples within illumination estimation method

Illumination estimation based on a weighted color distribution

Evaluating Colour Constancy on the new MIST dataset of Multi-Illuminant Scenes

Illumination Estimation sentence examples within illumination estimation challenge

SDE-AWB: a generic solution for 2nd International Illumination Estimation Challenge

Consensus-driven illuminant estimation with GANs

Illumination Estimation sentence examples within illumination estimation technique

A Novel Fusion Method for Low Brightness Enhancement Derivatives

LECARM: Low-Light Image Enhancement Using the Camera Response Model

Illumination Estimation sentence examples within illumination estimation algorithm

On the evaluation of temporal and spatial stability of color constancy algorithms.

An improvement approach for pixel-based illumination estimation algorithms

Outdoor daytime multi - illuminant color constancy

Very Deep Learning-Based Illumination Estimation Approach With Cascading Residual Network Architecture (CRNA)

INTEL-TAU: A Color Constancy Dataset

Ensemble of illumination estimation methods using support vector regression

An automatic framework for endoscopic image restoration and enhancement

Deep Neural Models for Illumination Estimation and Relighting: A Survey

Iterative Convolutional Neural Network-Based Illumination Estimation

Fluorescence depth estimation in pre-clinical oral cancer models using spatial frequency domain imaging

Low-light image enhancement based on multi-illumination estimation

Domain-Specific Face Synthesis for Video Face Recognition From a Single Sample Per Person

Fast Bright-Pass Bilateral Filtering for Low-Light Enhancement

An Adaptive Dark Region Detail Enhancement Method for Low-light Images

Computational colour constancy based on convolutional neural networks with a cross-level architecture

Deep Separable Convolution Neural Network for Illumination Estimation

DeepLight: light source estimation for augmented reality using deep learning

On Finding Gray Pixels

As-projective-as-possible bias correction for illumination estimation algorithms.

Feasibility Evaluation of the Required Quantity of Sensors for Lighting Control System

Shape, Reflectance and Illumination Estimation From Mobile Devices

Review of models of food resources evaluation of the forests of central Russia

Learn more from Illumination Estimation 조도 추정

Illumination Estimation 조도 추정

Illumination Estimation 조도 추정
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