Illumination Conditions(조명 조건)란 무엇입니까?
Illumination Conditions 조명 조건 - Automatic facial emotion recognition in real-world situations like partial occlusions, varying head poses and illumination conditions are challenging to the machine learning community. [1] The main limitation of the existing methods is low robustness to new backgrounds and illumination conditions. [2] In contrast, very few researchers have investigated the possibility of landing in low-illumination conditions by employing various active light sources to lighten the markers. [3] Lane-detection methods are still facing robustness issues when confronted with challenging road surfaces, road markings and illumination conditions. [4] To improve the detection ability of photoelectric detection targets under low-illumination conditions, based on the traditional infrared photoelectric detection targets, in this paper, we propose a design method for an infrared detection screen by using a double high-power line laser interactive layout auxiliary mode, and we form an active infrared photoelectric detection target. [5] Within the scope of electrical characterization, I–V measurements of the Al/PVC–TCNQ/p-Si and Al/PVC–TCNQ:ZnO/p-Si devices were accomplished both in the dark and under illumination conditions. [6] Recognition of human activities using vision sensors is a challenging issue due to variations in illumination conditions and complex movements during the monitoring of sports and fitness exercises. [7] Skin detection is a challenging problem because skin color can vary dramatically in its appearance due to many factors such as illumination conditions, pose variations, race, aging, and complex background. [8] The technique does not require any prior knowledge of the flow, illumination conditions, the bounding surface, or static object geometry. [9]부분 교합, 다양한 머리 포즈 및 조명 조건과 같은 실제 상황에서 자동 얼굴 감정 인식은 기계 학습 커뮤니티에 어려운 과제입니다. [1] 기존 방법의 주요 한계는 새로운 배경 및 조명 조건에 대한 낮은 견고성입니다. [2] 대조적으로, 마커를 밝게하기 위해 다양한 활성 광원을 사용하여 저조도 조건에서 착륙 가능성을 조사한 연구자는 거의 없습니다. [3] 차선 감지 방법은 까다로운 도로 표면, 도로 표시 및 조명 조건에 직면했을 때 여전히 견고성 문제에 직면해 있습니다. [4] 저조도 조건에서 광전 감지 대상의 감지 능력을 향상시키기 위해 기존의 적외선 광전 감지 대상을 기반으로 본 논문에서는 이중 고전력 라인 레이저 대화형 레이아웃 보조 장치를 사용하여 적외선 감지 화면의 설계 방법을 제안합니다. 모드, 우리는 능동 적외선 광전 감지 대상을 형성합니다. [5] 전기적 특성화 범위 내에서 Al/PVC-TCNQ/p-Si 및 Al/PVC-TCNQ:ZnO/p-Si 장치의 I-V 측정은 어두운 곳과 조명 조건에서 모두 수행되었습니다. [6] 비전 센서를 사용하여 인간 활동을 인식하는 것은 스포츠 및 피트니스 운동을 모니터링하는 동안 조명 조건의 변화와 복잡한 움직임으로 인해 어려운 문제입니다. [7] 피부색은 조명 조건, 포즈 변화, 인종, 노화 및 복잡한 배경과 같은 많은 요인으로 인해 외관이 크게 다를 수 있기 때문에 피부 감지는 어려운 문제입니다. [8] 이 기술은 흐름, 조명 조건, 경계 표면 또는 정적 개체 기하학에 대한 사전 지식이 필요하지 않습니다. [9]
Different Illumination Conditions 다른 조명 조건
A smartphone and a custom-made box were used to capture images for 90 soil samples, collected from three different agroclimatic zones of West Bengal, India under three different illumination conditions. [1] Moreover, this method was demonstrated to be robust enough to be used for different illumination conditions, shooting angles, and image resolutions. [2] The results of indoor scene positioning under different illumination conditions show that the proposed method not only improves the positioning accuracy compared with the original VLAD and ORB-SLAM2, but also has high computational efficiency. [3] Besides optical measurements, such as ultraviolet (UV) absorbance and NMR, the electrical and photovoltaic properties were investigated by current–voltage (I–V) measurements in the dark and under different illumination conditions and capacitance–conductance–voltage (C–G–V) measurements at various frequencies. [4] We applied this method to haematite photoanodes for water photo-oxidation, and observed that it is self-consistent for different illumination conditions and applied potentials. [5] 60 to count Steller sea lions and African elephants, respectively, regardless of complex background, different illumination conditions, heavy overlapping and occlusion of the animals. [6] In this work, we have looked into two different geometrical arrangements of methylammonium lead iodide (MAPbI3) perovskite to study how their selectivity and sensitivity towards an array of VOC gases under different illumination conditions may be affected. [7] Alternatively, photometric stereo method can recover topographic information with pixel-level resolution from three or more images, which are acquired by one camera under the same viewing geometry with different illumination conditions. [8] My method is robust and can work in different illumination conditions. [9] These characteristics, in turn, can be used to optimize production, compare devices, or predict the output power under different illumination conditions. [10] We trained a convolutional neural network using a skin tone color palette acquired under different illumination conditions to learn the mapping relationship between the input color image and its counterpart in the sRGB color space. [11] Significant optical Kerr effect is achieved in the metasurface through high third-order polarization coefficient of graphene, and by changing the width and depth of the grating, the nonlinear effect of the metasurface can be effectively controlled to realize the application under different illumination conditions. [12] In this paper, a theoretical simulation of irradiance generated due to isotropic point light sources is carried out for different illumination conditions. [13] Model parameters for the resulting stochastic differential equations are calibrated through a series of experiments, in which zebrafish swam in a water channel under different illumination conditions. [14] Images and videos may be captured in different illumination conditions, with different camera types, camera angles and resolutions. [15] Hence, assessment of visual acuity through Gen 2++ and Gen 3 NVG under different illumination conditions and comparative analysis between the two NVGs was the desired objective of the study. [16] According to our results, we present the operation of the distance-measurement subsystem, the operation of the image-focusing subsystem, examples of acquired images of an artificial toy eye under different illumination conditions, and the calculation of illumination exposure hazards. [17] But the traditional image processing technology is affected by different illumination conditions, cross shading. [18] However, it is often necessary to inspect parts under many different illumination conditions to capture all the defects. [19] The technique has been tested over Bosphorus hand vein dataset which contains 1575 images of different age groups captured under different illumination conditions. [20] Devices with different electrode spacings are fabricated on the 3C-SiC/Si heterostructure, and experiments are conducted under different illumination conditions to determine the position-sensitivity. [21] They are shown to have high performance comparable to the commercial bulk resistivity wafers at standard testing conditions (STC) as well as different illumination conditions. [22] We observe the LDOS modification of such optically rich material at different illumination conditions and we measure a large Purcell factor enhancement which increases for oblique illumination of the nanostructure. [23] The scenes are captured using varying camera poses under different illumination conditions and include up to five different objects from a given set of fourteen objects. [24] NIR and Visible spectroscopies coupled with chemometrics for the evaluation of edible seed oils quality evolution during storage under different illumination conditions / Giraudo, Alessandro; Cavallini, Nicola; Gavoci, Gentian; Geobaldo, Francesco; Savorani, Francesco. [25] This process is reversible if the illumination is returned to dim light (150 µmol m-2 s-1 ), proving the cell adaptability and capacity to respond at different illumination conditions. [26] The reaction is carried out under different illumination conditions (UV, visible) with advanced, globular titania catalysts displaying high activity with respect to P25 and other reference materials. [27] Trabecular-iris space area at 500 and 750μm (TISA500, TISA750), angle opening distances at 500 and 750μm (AOD500, AOD750), anterior chamber depth (ACD), iridocorneal angle (ICA), and pupil diameter under different illumination conditions were analyzed preoperatively, and at 1 and 3 months postoperatively. [28] It includes 32,064 images from 167 subjects with five different illumination conditions. [29] Then, the proposed method tested on the Malaysia vehicle dataset namely Tol Sungai Long data set which contains about 584 images of different illumination conditions, i. [30] The impact on the retrieval of uncertainties in PRISMA’s spectral response and of different illumination conditions has also been evaluated. [31] Illumination is the use of irreversible gamma correction or Gaussian variations of different illumination conditions creating strong protocols. [32] In experiments, the results show that our method consistently generates high-quality pencil drawing patterns from images with different illumination conditions. [33] And it has strong robustness to the fundus images under different illumination conditions. [34] Ten eyes recruited from seven subjects underwent OCE imaging acquisition under three different illumination conditions. [35] Further validation of the proposed approach is done by considering various uncontrolled features such as Poisson noise, different illumination conditions, JPEG compression artifacts, etc. [36] Several limitations and challenges like occlusion, pose changes, different illumination conditions, resolution, motion blur and sometimes subject will not be cooperative with the current face recognition systems. [37] Using this system, the proposed model of various biocompatible surface materials on microelectrodes was further investigated under different illumination conditions. [38] Experimental evaluation is carried out on objects with different shapes, colors and under different illumination conditions. [39] This paper presents an on-board multi-sensor system which is able to detect obstacles and estimate their distances in railway scenes in different illumination conditions. [40] Lane detection (LD) under different illumination conditions is a vital part of lane departure warning system and vehicle localization which are current trends in the future smart cities. [41] However, image retrieval across drastically different illumination conditions, e. [42] The proposed method takes depth maps as the input, since depth cameras have been proven to be more reliable in different illumination conditions. [43] Compared with the experiments of organic dye degradation under different illumination conditions, the degradability of the CdS/Cu7S4 QDs is greatly superior to pure CdS. [44] In contrast, CNN yielded lower detection accuracy for image A’ which acquired at different illumination conditions and for image B which has a different forest structure and species. [45]스마트폰과 맞춤형 상자를 사용하여 세 가지 다른 조명 조건에서 인도 웨스트 벵갈의 세 가지 다른 농기후 지역에서 수집한 90개의 토양 샘플에 대한 이미지를 캡처했습니다. [1] 또한 이 방법은 다양한 조명 조건, 촬영 각도 및 이미지 해상도에 사용할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 강력함을 입증했습니다. [2] 다른 조명 조건에서 실내 장면 측위 결과는 제안된 방법이 기존의 VLAD 및 ORB-SLAM2에 비해 측위 정확도를 향상시킬 뿐만 아니라 높은 계산 효율성을 보여줍니다. [3] 자외선(UV) 흡광도 및 NMR과 같은 광학 측정 외에도 전기 및 광전지 특성은 암실 및 다양한 조명 조건 및 정전 용량-전도도-전압(C-G- V) 다양한 주파수에서의 측정. [4] 우리는 이 방법을 물의 광산화를 위한 적철광 광양극에 적용했으며 다양한 조명 조건과 적용된 전위에 대해 일관성이 있음을 관찰했습니다. [5] 복잡한 배경, 다른 조명 조건, 동물의 무거운 중첩 및 폐색에 관계없이 각각 스텔러 바다사자와 아프리카 코끼리를 세는 60개. [6] 이 작업에서 우리는 서로 다른 조명 조건에서 VOC 가스 배열에 대한 선택성과 감도가 어떻게 영향을 받을 수 있는지 연구하기 위해 메틸암모늄 납 요오드화물(MAPbI3) 페로브스카이트의 두 가지 기하학적 배열을 조사했습니다. [7] 또는 측광 스테레오 방법은 조명 조건이 다른 동일한 보기 기하학에서 하나의 카메라로 획득한 3개 이상의 이미지에서 픽셀 수준 해상도로 지형 정보를 복구할 수 있습니다. [8] 내 방법은 강력하고 다양한 조명 조건에서 작동할 수 있습니다. [9] nan [10] nan [11] nan [12] nan [13] nan [14] nan [15] nan [16] nan [17] nan [18] nan [19] nan [20] nan [21] nan [22] nan [23] nan [24] nan [25] nan [26] nan [27] nan [28] nan [29] nan [30] nan [31] nan [32] nan [33] nan [34] nan [35] nan [36] nan [37] nan [38] nan [39] nan [40] nan [41] nan [42] nan [43] nan [44] nan [45]
Varying Illumination Conditions 다양한 조명 조건
Due to the limitations of camera hardware, camera pose, limited bandwidth, varying illumination conditions, and occlusions, the quality of the surveillance feed is significantly degraded at times, thereby compromising monitoring of behavior, activities, and other sporadic information in the scene. [1] The capability of the proposed approach is further confirmed by considering the test images with varying illumination conditions. [2] As weeds have colorimetric properties similar to crops, their detection may be difficult especially under varying illumination conditions. [3] The fusion of 3D point clouds with RGB images can achieve object reconstructions, yet varying illumination conditions and registration problems still exist. [4] Fisherface method produced good results even under complex situations like varying illumination conditions and images with different poses and expressions which is a major drawback of HOG. [5] pyGDM uses the concept of a generalized propagator, which allows to solve cost-efficiently monochromatic problems with a large number of varying illumination conditions such as incident angle scans or focused beam raster-scan simulations. [6] The study was performed under varying illumination conditions using multiple smartphones. [7] However, this is a challenge when the image is assembled from successive frames that are acquired under varying illumination conditions. [8] Most of the existing MOD algorithms observe performance degradation in the presence of complex scenes containing camouflage objects, shadows, dynamic backgrounds, and varying illumination conditions, and captured by static cameras. [9] This paper presents a novel setup for automatic visual inspection of cracks in ceramic tile as well as studies the effect of various classifiers and height-varying illumination conditions for this task. [10] However, the GCC time series is noisy because color distortion commonly exists in the captured photographs owing to the varying illumination conditions and nonlinear response of the consumer-grade camera to the incoming light. [11] However, the precise tactile reconstruction from a single view image is a challenging research problem due to varying illumination conditions. [12] Moreover, the overall performance deteriorates when the aforementioned factor combines with varying illumination conditions, such as night, dusk, and rainy. [13] The red SIF at the wavelength of 685 nm had a similar shape to the far-red SIF at a wavelength of 740 nm but with higher variability in varying illumination conditions. [14] However, the remote sensing of background anisotropy is challenging due to the difficulties of information extraction in complex forest ecosystems and varying illumination conditions. [15] Afterward, the Biased Illumination Field Fuzzy C-means approach has accomplished to improve the segmentation accuracy through clustering under noise and varying illumination conditions. [16] To address the robustness of obstacle distance measurement under varying illumination conditions, this article develops a research method that fuses image enhancement with robot monocular vision so that the robot can adapt to various levels of illumination running along the transmission line. [17] Texture classification under varying illumination conditions is one of the most important challenges. [18] I–V measurements were carried out in the dark and under varying illumination conditions for electrical properties. [19] All clustering algorithms were proved to be robust to varying illumination conditions and can process images with a very complex background in an automated fashion. [20] Comparing this work with other researchers’ work using the databases prepared by authors and the VAP_RGBD dataset, we found that our method, which involves using of depth information, can solve the problem of varying illumination conditions. [21]카메라 하드웨어의 한계, 카메라 포즈, 제한된 대역폭, 다양한 조명 조건 및 폐색으로 인해 감시 피드의 품질이 때때로 크게 저하되어 장면에서 행동, 활동 및 기타 산발적인 정보의 모니터링이 손상됩니다. [1] 제안된 접근 방식의 기능은 다양한 조명 조건에서 테스트 이미지를 고려하여 추가로 확인됩니다. [2] 잡초는 작물과 유사한 비색 특성을 가지므로 특히 다양한 조명 조건에서 잡초를 감지하기 어려울 수 있습니다. [3] nan [4] nan [5] nan [6] nan [7] nan [8] nan [9] nan [10] nan [11] nan [12] nan [13] nan [14] nan [15] nan [16] nan [17] nan [18] nan [19] nan [20] nan [21]
Variou Illumination Conditions 다양한 조명 조건
In addition, the nature of the photo-induced defects and their influence on the transport mechanism of the photogenerated carriers were investigated via deep level capacitance profiling (DLCP) and admittance spectroscopy (AS) under various illumination conditions. [1] However, it is still challenging to develop organic luminophores based large-area LSCs that work well in various illumination conditions. [2] The photovoltaic performance of the organic layers was investigated under various illumination conditions. [3] Therefore, the present study aimed to find the daily mRNA expression profile of two significant appetite and energy-balancing peptide hormone (leptin) and enzyme (goat) in the brain in various illumination conditions, LD (12Light:12Dark), LL (24L), and DD (24D). [4] Specifically, the samples in our dataset present rich diversities thanks to the long time span collecting settings, unconstrained capturing viewpoints, various illumination conditions, and diversified background environments. [5] This investigation contributes for bridging the gap in Earth observation between field and airborne measurements by implementing autonomous methods for obtaining high temporal frequency spectroscopy measurements from an Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) at various illumination conditions. [6] The results demonstrate that DALaneNet is robust in various illumination conditions and especially effective in the case of occlusion. [7] The behavior of electrical conductivity was examined under various illumination conditions. [8] With our approach, an accurate depth map can be predicted without any prior knowledge under various illumination conditions. [9] Photo-response properties of the Au/(CoFe2O4-PVP)/n-Si (MPS) diode were investigated using current-voltage (I-V) measurements achieved under dark and various illumination conditions. [10] Due to the advantage that a thermal camera robustly works in various illumination conditions, it has become a crucial sensor in real-world applications, such as self-driving, advanced driver assistance as well as a surveillance system. [11] Photoresponse characteristics of the Au/(CoFe2O4-PVP)/n-Si (MPS) diode were investigated using current–voltage (I–V) measurements achieved under dark and various illumination conditions. [12]또한, 다양한 조명 조건에서 DLCP(Deep Level Capacitance Profiling) 및 AS(Admittance Spectroscopy)를 통해 광유도 결함의 특성과 광생성 캐리어의 전송 메커니즘에 미치는 영향을 조사했습니다. [1] 그러나 다양한 조명 조건에서 잘 작동하는 유기 발광단 기반 대면적 LSC를 개발하는 것은 여전히 어려운 일입니다. [2] nan [3] nan [4] nan [5] nan [6] nan [7] nan [8] nan [9] nan [10] nan [11] nan [12]
Challenging Illumination Conditions 도전적인 조명 조건
A pedestrian detector that uses visible and thermal infrared image pairs as the input has better detection performance than a detector that uses only visible image under challenging illumination conditions. [1] However, on-line detection using video cameras may suffer from challenging illumination conditions, and Lidar-based approaches may be difficult to detect far-away road curbs due to the sparsity issue of point clouds. [2] The system successfully leverages the advantages of event-based cameras to perform visual odometry in challenging illumination conditions, such as low-light and high dynamic range, while running in real-time on a standard CPU. [3] Event cameras are bio-inspired sensors that perform well in challenging illumination conditions and have high temporal resolution. [4] The methods that perform well on these datasets have been observed to fail under challenging illumination conditions encountered in the real world, in particular, when the dynamic range of a scene is high. [5] This means that driving in challenging illumination conditions such as night, sunrise, and sunset remains an open problem. [6] Recordings have been made across three sessions with different, challenging illumination conditions and variations in pose. [7]가시광선 및 열적외선 이미지 쌍을 입력으로 사용하는 보행자 감지기는 열악한 조명 조건에서 가시광선 이미지만 사용하는 감지기보다 감지 성능이 더 우수합니다. [1] 그러나 비디오 카메라를 사용한 온라인 감지는 조명 조건이 까다로울 수 있으며 Lidar 기반 접근 방식은 포인트 클라우드의 희소성 문제로 인해 멀리 떨어진 도로 연석을 감지하기 어려울 수 있습니다. [2] nan [3] nan [4] nan [5] nan [6] nan [7]
Poor Illumination Conditions 열악한 조명 조건
Limited by the number of available photons collected by a pixel and the stability of the imaging system, images captured under poor illumination conditions are often degraded by heavy shot noise and low contrast. [1] Ancient documents also suffer from additional noise during the digitalization process, particularly when digitalization is done using low-specification devices and/or under poor illumination conditions. [2] This paper addresses the re-id problem between visible images of color cameras and infrared images of infrared cameras, which is significant in case that the appearance information is insufficient in poor illumination conditions. [3] The detection accuracy of target fruits under non-overlapping shaded fruits, overlapping fruits, shaded branches and leaves, and poor illumination conditions were 99. [4] Thermal cameras can solve the problem in that visible-light cameras cannot acquire the valid feature information of a person under poor illumination conditions. [5] Images of objects captured under poor illumination conditions inevitably contain noise and under-exposed regions where important geometric features may be hidden. [6]픽셀에서 수집한 사용 가능한 광자의 수와 이미징 시스템의 안정성으로 인해 열악한 조명 조건에서 캡처된 이미지는 종종 심한 샷 노이즈와 낮은 대비로 인해 품질이 저하됩니다. [1] 고대 문서는 디지털화 과정에서 추가적인 노이즈가 발생하며 특히 낮은 사양의 장치를 사용하거나 열악한 조명 조건에서 디지털화를 수행할 때 더욱 그렇습니다. [2] 본 논문은 열악한 조도 조건에서 외관 정보가 불충분한 경우에 중요한 컬러 카메라의 가시 이미지와 적외선 카메라의 적외선 이미지 간의 리드 문제를 해결합니다. [3] nan [4] nan [5] nan [6]
Light Illumination Conditions 조명 조건
Moreover, the heterojunction shows great promise as an artificial visual neuron, which can differentiate the dark, visible and infrared light illumination conditions by applying a series of electrical pulses through the back-gate electrode. [1] Polarimetric imaging can become challenging in degraded environments such as low light illumination conditions or in partial occlusions. [2] To evaluate the performance of milliEye, we collect a new radar and camera fusion dataset for object detection, which contains both ordinary-light and low-light illumination conditions. [3] The fabricated n-TiCdO/p-Si diode parameters have been examined at dark and light illumination conditions. [4] To achieve similar results to those of dynamic gonioscopy examination, which is the current gold standard for diagnostic angle assessment, the paired AS-OCT images acquired in dark and light illumination conditions are used to obtain an accurate characterization of configurational changes in ACAs and iris shapes, using a Variation-aware Block. [5] Light illumination conditions include light intensity, photoperiod and light spectrum. [6]또한, 이종 접합은 백 게이트 전극을 통해 일련의 전기 펄스를 인가함으로써 어두운, 가시광선 및 적외선 조명 조건을 구별할 수 있는 인공 시각 뉴런으로서 큰 가능성을 보여줍니다. [1] 편광 이미징은 저조도 조명 조건이나 부분 폐색과 같은 저하된 환경에서 어려울 수 있습니다. [2] nan [3] nan [4] nan [5] nan [6]
Ambient Illumination Conditions 주변 조명 조건
Every 60 days we changed ambient illumination conditions using the LED lighting installed throughout the IVF laboratory. [1] Dye-sensitized photovoltaic cells (DSPVs) have great potential in indoor photovoltaic applications for light energy recycling because of their exceptional light-harvesting capability under ambient illumination conditions. [2] This study describes the characterization of a pulsed, multi-wavelengths system designed to measure diffuse reflectance and auto-fluorescence under strong ambient illumination conditions. [3] Ambient illumination conditions have significant impact on users’ visual performance while carrying out onscreen reading tasks on visual display units, especially smaller screen sizes. [4] In accordance with these development steps, subjective experiments are carried to assess the quality of adapted video contents having different motion information and spatial structure characteristics under different ambient illumination conditions. [5] The benefits of the proposed method are demonstrated through a series of experiments conducted with simulated and real single-photon lidar videos, allowing the analysis of dynamic scenes at 325 m observed under extreme ambient illumination conditions. [6]60일마다 IVF 실험실 전체에 설치된 LED 조명을 사용하여 주변 조명 조건을 변경했습니다. [1] 염료감응형 태양광 전지(DSPV)는 주변 조명 조건에서 탁월한 빛 수확 능력으로 인해 빛 에너지 재활용을 위한 실내 태양광 응용 분야에서 큰 잠재력을 가지고 있습니다. [2] nan [3] nan [4] nan [5] nan [6]
Extreme Illumination Conditions 극한의 조명 조건
We further demonstrate the unique capability of our approach in generating HDR images even under extreme illumination conditions, creating non-blurred images under rapid motion, and generating very high frame rate videos up to the temporal resolution of event cameras. [1] We show the efficacy of our approach in several real‐world scenarios, where face attributes can be estimated even under extreme illumination conditions. [2] NIR image has excellent imaging effect under extreme illumination conditions. [3] These systems are able to deal with extreme illumination conditions and flight envelopes. [4] In this paper, we evaluate five of the seven existing EB corner detectors on a public dataset including extreme illumination conditions that have not been investigated before. [5]우리는 극한의 조명 조건에서도 HDR 이미지를 생성하고, 빠른 움직임에서 흐릿하지 않은 이미지를 생성하고, 이벤트 카메라의 시간 해상도까지 매우 높은 프레임 속도 비디오를 생성하는 접근 방식의 고유한 기능을 보여줍니다. [1] 우리는 극도의 조명 조건에서도 얼굴 속성을 추정할 수 있는 여러 실제 시나리오에서 접근 방식의 효율성을 보여줍니다. [2] nan [3] nan [4] nan [5]
Uv Illumination Conditions UV 조명 조건
Photodegradation of PQ in the solutions was started by the nanocomposites and TiO2 tested under UV illumination conditions. [1] We have studied the value of currents in Cu/Al coated ZnO nanorods compared to the pristine ZnO nanorods at dark and UV illumination conditions. [2] coli) under dark and UV illumination conditions compared to TiO2 nanoparticle film (TNP) which was almost inactive in the dark, highlighting the additional contribution of the physical interaction between bacterial membrane and NWs. [3] Moreover, the corrosion protective properties of coatings were evaluated in both dark and UV illumination conditions based on the obtained polarization curves. [4]용액에서 PQ의 광분해는 UV 조명 조건에서 테스트된 나노복합체 및 TiO2에 의해 시작되었습니다. [1] 우리는 어둡고 UV 조명 조건에서 깨끗한 ZnO 나노로드와 비교하여 Cu/Al 코팅 ZnO 나노로드의 전류 값을 연구했습니다. [2] nan [3] nan [4]
Controlled Illumination Conditions 제어된 조명 조건
During the production of the PCMs, a high-speed infrared camera is used to acquire images of the encapsulated material under controlled illumination conditions. [1] The measurements made outdoors with a snapshot IH were compared with traditional “point-type” reflectance measured with a spectrophotometer under controlled illumination conditions. [2] This innovative approach uses a measurable quantity, called two-dimensional volume fraction, which is correlated with the near-wall volume fraction and is obtainable from digital images under controlled illumination conditions. [3] The color quality of an image shown on a liquid crystal display (LCD) can be measured with a spectroradiometer; however, this instrument is expensive, work under controlled illumination conditions with an artificial source of light, and measurements take a long time. [4]PCM을 생산하는 동안 고속 적외선 카메라를 사용하여 제어된 조명 조건에서 캡슐화된 재료의 이미지를 획득합니다. [1] 스냅샷 IH로 야외에서 측정한 값을 제어된 조명 조건에서 분광 광도계로 측정한 기존의 "포인트 유형" 반사율과 비교했습니다. [2] nan [3] nan [4]
Uniform Illumination Conditions 균일한 조명 조건
Due to the non-uniform illumination conditions, images captured by sensors often suffer from uneven brightness, low contrast and noise. [1] Especially for images with uniform illumination conditions, which can be overexposed after processed by these algorithms. [2] Even though the process of traffic management has become automated, it’s a very challenging problem, due to the diversity of plate formats, different scales, rotations and non-uniform illumination conditions during image acquisition. [3] However, their performance degrades dramatically when LR faces are captured in non-uniform illumination conditions. [4]균일하지 않은 조명 조건으로 인해 센서로 캡처한 이미지는 종종 균일하지 않은 밝기, 낮은 대비 및 노이즈로 고통받습니다. [1] 특히 이러한 알고리즘으로 처리된 후 과다 노출될 수 있는 균일한 조명 조건을 가진 이미지의 경우. [2] nan [3] nan [4]
Low Illumination Conditions 저조도 조건
Although existing approaches provide satisfactory performance on constrained frontal faces, they might perform poorly in the natural unconstrained hospital environment due to low illumination conditions, large head-pose rotation, and occlusion which is common in an unconstrained environment. [1] In this work we harness these capabilities for dealing with motion blur in a passive imaging setting in low illumination conditions. [2] For the low illumination conditions, Taguchi method was chosen to optimize light parameters. [3]기존 접근 방식은 제약된 정면면에서 만족스러운 성능을 제공하지만 제약이 없는 환경에서 일반적으로 발생하는 낮은 조명 조건, 큰 머리 자세 회전 및 교합으로 인해 제약이 없는 자연적인 병원 환경에서 성능이 저하될 수 있습니다. [1] 이 작업에서 우리는 낮은 조명 조건에서 수동 이미징 설정에서 모션 블러를 처리하기 위해 이러한 기능을 활용합니다. [2] nan [3]
Variable Illumination Conditions 가변 조명 조건
However, with dense canopy, variable illumination conditions and saturation effects caused by seasonal dynamics of leaf and canopy pigments combined with high year-round leaf density pose challenges for the accurate and precise inference of biophysical and biochemical traits in citrus fruit orchards. [1] However, variable illumination conditions and phone characteristics (i. [2] The use of thermal imaging input, such as those in the Long Wave Infrared (LWIR) range, is thus beneficial in computer vision models as it allows the detection of pedestrians and cyclists in variable illumination conditions that would pose challenges for RGB-only detection systems. [3]그러나 조밀한 캐노피로 인해 잎 및 캐노피 색소의 계절적 역학으로 인한 다양한 조명 조건 및 포화 효과와 연중 높은 잎 밀도는 감귤 과수원의 생물물리학 및 생화학적 특성을 정확하고 정밀하게 추론하는 데 어려움이 있습니다. [1] 그러나 다양한 조명 조건과 전화기 특성(i. [2] nan [3]
Favorable Illumination Conditions 유리한 조명 조건
Currently, object detection shows remarkable efficiency and reliability in standard scenarios such as daytime scenes with favorable illumination conditions. [1] The results show the superiority of mobile LiDAR for highway asset inventorying and the possibility of having photogrammetry as a reliable alternative technology only in favorable illumination conditions. [2] However, most existing works focus on only day-time images under favorable illumination conditions. [3]현재 물체 감지는 조명 조건이 좋은 주간 장면과 같은 표준 시나리오에서 놀라운 효율성과 신뢰성을 보여줍니다. [1] 결과는 고속도로 자산 인벤토리를 위한 모바일 LiDAR의 우수성과 유리한 조명 조건에서만 신뢰할 수 있는 대체 기술로 사진 측량을 가질 가능성을 보여줍니다. [2] nan [3]
Complex Illumination Conditions 복잡한 조명 조건
Therefore, it is in urgent need of a robust saliency detection method, which can handle complex illumination conditions and take use of features from multiple sources intelligently. [1] Traditionally, multi-label feature extraction algorithm is used to extract local features of blurred images under complex illumination conditions. [2] Bearing this in mind, in this study, first, a new non-homogeneous atmospheric scattering model (NH-ASM) is proposed for improving image modeling of hazy images taken under complex illumination conditions. [3]따라서 복잡한 조명 조건을 처리하고 여러 소스의 기능을 지능적으로 사용할 수 있는 강력한 돌출 감지 방법이 시급합니다. [1] 전통적으로 다중 레이블 특징 추출 알고리즘은 복잡한 조명 조건에서 흐릿한 이미지의 로컬 특징을 추출하는 데 사용됩니다. [2] nan [3]
Changing Illumination Conditions 조명 조건 변경
Changing illumination conditions and cross-sensor situations cause spectral variability, further complicating the unmixing procedure. [1] The environment inside a vehicle is challenging for eye-tracking technology due to rapidly changing illumination conditions, such as exiting a tunnel to brightest sunlight, proper calibration and safety. [2] Probably the most difficult variations are actuated by changing illumination conditions. [3]조명 조건 및 교차 센서 상황을 변경하면 스펙트럼 변동이 발생하여 혼합 해제 절차가 더욱 복잡해집니다. [1] 차량 내부 환경은 가장 밝은 햇빛, 적절한 보정 및 안전과 같이 빠르게 변화하는 조명 조건으로 인해 아이트래킹 기술을 사용하기 어렵습니다. [2] nan [3]
Laser Illumination Conditions 레이저 조명 조건
At the example of the energy spectrum of oscillators with simulated Coulomb interactions we show that different effective coupling geometries can be emulated with high precision by proper choice of laser illumination conditions. [1] We have demonstrated that such nanoagents are able to efficiently damage tumors under single dose injection and NIR laser illumination conditions due to the enhanced photodynamic therapy and enhanced photothermal therapy (the tumor inhibition rate was as high as 94. [2]시뮬레이션된 쿨롱 상호작용이 있는 발진기의 에너지 스펙트럼의 예에서 우리는 레이저 조명 조건의 적절한 선택에 의해 다양한 유효 결합 형상이 고정밀로 에뮬레이트될 수 있음을 보여줍니다. [1] 우리는 향상된 광역학 요법과 향상된 광열 요법(종양 억제율이 94로 높았습니다. [2]
Uneven Illumination Conditions 불균일한 조명 조건
The images acquired in real time outdoor environment are often subject to uneven illumination conditions, cloudy weather, lighting conditions. [1] Photovoltaic modules in the urban environment are very often exposed to uneven illumination conditions. [2]실시간 실외 환경에서 획득한 이미지는 고르지 않은 조명 조건, 흐린 날씨, 조명 조건의 영향을 받는 경우가 많습니다. [1] 도시 환경의 태양광 모듈은 고르지 않은 조명 조건에 매우 자주 노출됩니다. [2]
Weak Illumination Conditions 약한 조명 조건
Nonetheless, visible images are poor under weak illumination conditions, and thermal infrared images are noisy and have low resolution. [1] Near-infrared (NIR) face recognition (FR) has demonstrated robustness against changes in ambient illumination, which makes it suitable for surveillance even under weak illumination conditions. [2]그럼에도 불구하고 가시 이미지는 약한 조명 조건에서 열악하고 열적외선 이미지는 노이즈가 많고 해상도가 낮습니다. [1] 근적외선(NIR) 얼굴 인식(FR)은 주변 조도 변화에 대한 견고성을 입증하여 약한 조도 조건에서도 감시에 적합합니다. [2]
Optimum Illumination Conditions 최적의 조명 조건
Three different georeferencing methods (Ground Control Points, ICP algorithm over snow-free areas and RTK-GPS positioning) were tested, showing equivalent performances under optimum illumination conditions. [1] We identify the optimum illumination conditions for maximal field enhancement. [2]세 가지 다른 지리 참조 방법(지상 기준점, 눈이 없는 지역에 대한 ICP 알고리즘 및 RTK-GPS 위치 지정)이 테스트되었으며 최적의 조명 조건에서 동일한 성능을 보여줍니다. [1] 우리는 최대 필드 향상을 위한 최적의 조명 조건을 식별합니다. [2]
Varied Illumination Conditions 다양한 조명 조건
Given the thickness of silicon wafers and the low face-to-edge area ratio for SHJ microcells of these dimensions, we consider varied illumination conditions for this structure. [1] We present conductance measurements under systematically varied illumination conditions along either the polar z-axis or perpendicular to it (x-cut). [2]실리콘 웨이퍼의 두께와 이러한 치수의 SHJ 마이크로셀에 대한 낮은 면 대 가장자리 면적 비율을 감안할 때 우리는 이 구조에 대한 다양한 조명 조건을 고려합니다. [1] 극좌표 z축 또는 수직 방향(x-컷)을 따라 체계적으로 다양한 조명 조건에서 전도도 측정값을 제시합니다. [2]
Natural Illumination Conditions 자연 조명 조건
As examples, we apply the generalized theorem to (a) predict the dynamics of a two level system driven by a frequency modulated resonant oscillation, a pathological situation beyond the applicability of earlier results, and (b) to show that open quantum systems driven by slowly turned-on incoherent light, such as biomolecules under natural illumination conditions, can only display coherences that survive in the steady state. [1] Our main insight is that relightable models trained to produce an image lit from a single light direction can generalize to natural illumination conditions but are computationally expensive to render. [2]예를 들어, 우리는 일반화된 정리를 적용하여 (a) 주파수 변조된 공진 진동에 의해 구동되는 2레벨 시스템의 역학을 예측하고, 이전 결과의 적용 가능성을 넘어선 병리학적 상황을 보여주고, (b) 자연 조명 조건에서 생체 분자와 같이 천천히 켜진 비간섭성 빛은 정상 상태에서 생존하는 간섭성을 표시할 수 있습니다. [1] 우리의 주요 통찰력은 단일 조명 방향에서 조명된 이미지를 생성하도록 훈련된 relightable 모델이 자연 조명 조건으로 일반화할 수 있지만 렌더링하는 데 계산 비용이 많이 든다는 것입니다. [2]
Bright Illumination Conditions 밝은 조명 조건
Experimental results and analysis validate that the proposed network achieves good performance in both complex backgrounds and bright illumination conditions. [1] Finally, the AS-OCT images acquired in both dark and bright illumination conditions are fed into our Multi-Sequence Deep Network (MSDN) architecture, in which a convolutional neural network (CNN) module is applied to extract feature representations, and a novel ConvLSTM-TC module is employed to study the spatial state of these representations. [2]실험 결과와 분석은 제안된 네트워크가 복잡한 배경과 밝은 조명 조건 모두에서 우수한 성능을 달성함을 검증합니다. [1] 마지막으로, 어둡고 밝은 조명 조건 모두에서 획득한 AS-OCT 이미지는 특징 표현을 추출하기 위해 CNN(Convolutional Neural Network) 모듈이 적용된 MSDN(Multi-Sequence Deep Network) 아키텍처와 새로운 ConvLSTM에 입력됩니다. -TC 모듈은 이러한 표현의 공간적 상태를 연구하는 데 사용됩니다. [2]
Type Illumination Conditions 유형 조명 조건
Tests under UV and sunlight-type illumination conditions showed an important promoting effect of the alkali ions irrespective of the illumination source characteristics. [1] Tests under UV and sunlight-type illumination conditions showed an important promoting effect of boron, irrespective of the illumination nature. [2]UV 및 태양광 유형의 조명 조건에서 테스트는 조명 소스 특성에 관계없이 알칼리 이온의 중요한 촉진 효과를 보여주었습니다. [1] UV 및 태양광 유형 조명 조건에서의 테스트는 조명 특성에 관계없이 붕소의 중요한 촉진 효과를 보여주었습니다. [2]