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Ice Analogues sentence examples within Interstellar Ice Analogues

On the formation of complex organic molecules in the interstellar medium: untangling the chemical complexity of carbon monoxide-hydrocarbon containing ice analogues exposed to ionizing radiation via a combined infrared and reflectron time-of-flight analysis.

Nucleobase synthesis in interstellar ices

Ice Analogues sentence examples within Astrophysical Ice Analogues

Sulfur Ice Astrochemistry: A Review of Laboratory Studies

Electron irradiation and thermal chemistry studies of interstellar and planetary ice analogues at the ICA astrochemistry facility

Ice Analogues sentence examples within Cometary Ice Analogues

Millimeter/Submillimeter Spectroscopic Detection of Desorbed Ices: A New Technique in Laboratory Astrochemistry.

Photodesorption of water ice from dust grains and thermal desorption of cometary ices studied by the INSIDE experiment

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Ice Analogues sentence examples within ice analogues composed

Nucleobase synthesis in interstellar ices

Photodesorption of water ice from dust grains and thermal desorption of cometary ices studied by the INSIDE experiment


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Ice Analogues 아이스 아날로그

Ice Analogues 아이스 아날로그
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