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Robotic Faciality: The Philosophy, Science and Art of Robot Faces

Abel: Integrating Humanoid Body, Emotions, and Time Perception to Investigate Social Interaction and Human Cognition

Robotic Faciality: The Philosophy, Science and Art of Robot Faces

Abel: Integrating Humanoid Body, Emotions, and Time Perception to Investigate Social Interaction and Human Cognition

Does elderly enjoy playing Bingo with a robot? A case study with the humanoid robot Nadine

Tell me more! Assessing interactions with social robots from speech

Relationship Development with Humanoid Social Robots: Applying Interpersonal Theories to Human-Robot Interaction

Humanoid socially assistive robots in dementia care: a qualitative study about expectations of caregivers and dementia trainers.

Sophia Robot

Personal Resilience Can Be Well Estimated from Heart Rate Variability and Paralinguistic Features during Human–Robot Conversations

Multimodal Integration of Emotional Signals from Voice, Body, and Context: Effects of (In)Congruence on Emotion Recognition and Attitudes Towards Robots

A preliminary investigation of using humanoid social robots as non-pharmacological techniques with children

Can a Humanoid Robot be part of the Organizational Workforce? A User Study Leveraging Sentiment Analysis

Towards automatic visual fault detection in highly expressive human-like animatronic faces with soft skin

Cartesian To Joint Space Mapping Using Q-Learning

Humanoid co-workers: How is it like to work with a robot?

The Attitude of Elderly and Young Adults Towards a Humanoid Robot as a Facilitator for Social Interaction

Designing Social Robots at Scales Beyond the Humanoid

Systematic Variation of Gaze Timings and Effects on the Human Level of Comfort and Feeling of Being Attended

Initial expectations, interactions, and beyond with social robots

Social Touch in Human–Robot Interaction: Robot-Initiated Touches can Induce Positive Responses without Extensive Prior Bonding

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Humanoid Social 휴머노이드 소셜

Humanoid Social 휴머노이드 소셜
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