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Design of a Novel Cable-Driven 3-DOF Series-Parallel Wrist Module for Humanoid Arms

Information Fusion and Decision Support for Autonomous Systems

Design of a Novel Cable-Driven 3-DOF Series-Parallel Wrist Module for Humanoid Arms

Service humanoid robotics: a novel interactive system based on bionic-companionship framework

Information Fusion and Decision Support for Autonomous Systems

Spicing up hospitality service encounters: the case of Pepper™

From stopping to shopping: An observational study comparing a humanoid service robot with a tablet service kiosk to attract and convert shoppers

Diseño Y Simulación De Un Robot Humanoide De Servicio Para Los Laboratorios De Control - Automatización Y Telecomunicaciones De La Universidad Nacional Tecnológica De Lima Sur

In or out? A field observational study on the placement of entertaining robots in retailing

User Responses to a Humanoid Robot Observed in Real Life, Virtual Reality, 3D and 2D

Conceptualizing Opportunities and Challenges Relevant to the Inclusion of Humanoid Service Robots in the Context of COVID-19

Humanoid service robots: The future of healthcare?

Cognition-enabled robotic wiping: Representation, planning, execution, and interpretation

Trust in humanoid robots : implications for services marketing

Service Robots Rising: How Humanoid Robots Influence Service Experiences and Elicit Compensatory Consumer Responses

Face and Upper-Body Emotion Recognition Using Service Robot’s Eyes in a Domestic Environment

Continued Advances in Supervised Autonomy User Interface Design for METERON SUPVIS Justin

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Humanoid Service 휴머노이드 서비스

Humanoid Service 휴머노이드 서비스
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