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Negative Translations of Orthomodular Lattices and Their Logic

Hyper-MacNeille Completions of Heyting Algebras

A Categorial Equivalence for Semi-Nelson Algebras

Double Negation Semantics for Generalisations of Heyting Algebras

Constructing illoyal algebra-valued models of set theory

Residuated Structures and Orthomodular Lattices

Heyting Algebras and Closure Algebras

Results on hoops

Semi-Heyting Algebras and Identities of Associative Type

Logics and Varieties

Computable Isomorphisms of Distributive Lattices

Duality Theory: Hybrids

Hennessy-Milner Properties for (Modal) Bi-intuitionistic Logic

The Interpolation Problem in Finite-Layered Pre-Heyting Logics

Constructing Some Logical Algebras with Hoops

Uniform interpolation and coherence

Quantum categories for quantum logic

Quantum categories for quantum logic

Probabilistic Epistemic Updates on Algebras

Learn more from Heyting Algebras 헤이팅 대수학

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Heyting Algebras 헤이팅 대수학

Heyting Algebras 헤이팅 대수학
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