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Toward Cultural Heritage Sustainability through Participatory Planning Based on Investigation of the Value Perceptions and Preservation Attitudes: Qing Mu Chuan, China

Innovazione sostenibile e piattaforme digitali per i beni culturali: il caso Clickproject.

Addressing indicators for geoheritage monitoring based on degradation risk and scientific value quantitative assessment

Sustainability of Old Semarang to World Heritage: Challenges in Coastal Area

Línea base de sostenibilidad turística en municipios con menores ingresos y población de Colombia (Tourism Sustainability Baseline in Low-Income and Low-Population Municipalities of Colombia)

Low-Cost Archaeological Investigation and Rapid Mapping of Ancient Stone Tidal Weirs in the Penghu Archipelago Using Google Earth

Metro design and heritage sustainability: conflict analysis using attitude based on options in the graph model

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Heritage Sustainability 유산 지속 가능성

Heritage Sustainability 유산 지속 가능성
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