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Harmonic Approach sentence examples within Spherical Harmonic Approach

Decoupling the anisotropic magnetization processes for the bulk Galfenol via utilizing the entire 2D SANS patterns

A comparison of different GRACE solutions in terrestrial water storage trend estimation over Tibetan Plateau

Harmonic Approach sentence examples within Circular Harmonic Approach

Elliptical harmonic method for gravity forward modelling of 2D bodies

Indoor Multi-Speaker Localization Based on Bayesian Nonparametrics in the Circular Harmonic Domain

A harmonic approach to the non-uniform torsion of box girder with edge cantilevers by fully considering the secondary torsional moment deformation effect

Determination of linear bond Grüneisen parameter of GaAs using Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS)

Advances, challenges and perspectives of quantum chemical approaches in molecular spectroscopy of the condensed phase.

Anharmonic Effects on the Thermodynamic Properties of Quartz from First Principles Calculations

Characterizing Forest Dynamics with Landsat-Derived Phenology Curves

Anisotropic thermal expansion and thermodynamic properties of monolayer β-Te

Harmonizing work with diseases treatment and prevention

Soil temperature estimation with the harmonic method is affected by thermal diffusivity parameterization

Sound transmission through a sandwich structure with two-layered pyramidal core and cavity absorption

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Harmonic Approach 고조파 접근

Harmonic Approach 고조파 접근
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