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Spider-Web-Inspired Stretchable Graphene Woven Fabric for Highly Sensitive, Transparent, Wearable Strain Sensors.

High resolution non-invasive intraocular pressure monitoring by use of graphene woven fabrics on contact lens

Strength nature of two-dimensional woven nanofabrics under biaxial tension

Graphene Mesh for Self‐Sensing Ionic Soft Actuator Inspired from Mechanoreceptors in Human Body

Spider-Web-Inspired Stretchable Graphene Woven Fabric for Highly Sensitive, Transparent, Wearable Strain Sensors.

High resolution non-invasive intraocular pressure monitoring by use of graphene woven fabrics on contact lens

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Graphene Woven 그래핀 직조

Graphene Woven 그래핀 직조
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