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Graphene Plasmons sentence examples within Acoustic Graphene Plasmons

Quantum surface-response of metals revealed by acoustic graphene plasmons

Probing the quantum surface-response of materials using ultraconfined graphene plasmons

Graphene Plasmons sentence examples within Pushing Graphene Plasmons

Quantum effects in the acoustic plasmons of atomically thin heterostructures

Acoustic Plasmons in Atomically-Thin Heterostructures

Graphene Plasmons sentence examples within graphene plasmons toward

Quantum effects in the acoustic plasmons of atomically thin heterostructures

Acoustic Plasmons in Atomically-Thin Heterostructures

Learn more from Graphene Plasmons 그래핀 플라스몬

Dispersion manipulation of multilayer dielectric plasmonic metasurfaces

Harnessing ultraconfined graphene plasmons to probe the electrodynamics of superconductors

Exact dispersion relations for the hybrid plasmon-phonon modes in graphene on dielectric substrates with polar optical phonons.

Launching graphene surface plasmon waves with vanishingly small periodic grating structures.

Graphene Plasmon Excitation with Ground-State Two-Level Quantum Emitters.

Ultracompact electro-optic waveguide modulator based on a graphene-covered λ/1000 plasmonic nanogap.

Enhancement of Casimir friction between graphene-covered hyperbolic materials

Polaritons in Two-Dimensional Parabolic Waveguides

Enhanced dispersive properties of graphene plasmons on substrates of composite materials

Acoustic Plasmons in Graphene Sandwiched between Two Metallic Slabs

Active control of micrometer plasmon propagation in suspended graphene

More Graphene Plasmons 그래핀 플라스몬 sentence examples

Drift-Induced Active and Nonreciprocal Plasmonics in Graphene

Thermally-stable graphene metamaterial absorber with excellent tunability for high-performance refractive index sensing in the terahertz band

Excitation of localized graphene plasmons by using non-periodical self-assembled arrays of metallic antennas

Anisotropic Purcell Factor Control of an Emitter in Graphene Under the Modulation of a Static Magnetic Field

VO2–graphene-integrated hBN-based metasurface for bi-tunable phonon-induced transparency and nearly perfect resonant absorption

Electrically Enhanced Graphene-Metal Plasmonic Antenna for Infrared Sensing

Topologically protected plasmon mode with ultrastrong field localization in a graphene-based metasurface.

Free-electron nanolaser based on graphene plasmons

Dynamically tunable infrared grating based on graphene-enabled phase switching of a split ring resonator [Invited]

Edge-dependent reflection and inherited fine structure of higher-order plasmons in graphene nanoribbons

Novel Light Emitting Mechanisms Originating from Graphene Plasmons Near and Far from Equilibrium

Gas identification with graphene plasmons

Temperature tunable Anderson localization for graphene surface plasmons

Single-Photon Pulse Induced Transient Entanglement Force

Plasmon reflection reveals local electronic properties of natural graphene wrinkles

Electrically defined topological interface states of graphene surface plasmons based on a gate-tunable quantum Bragg grating

Approaching the Intrinsic Lifetime and Modulating a Graphene Plasmonic Resonance at a Few Hundred GHz

Hybrid phonon-polaritons at atomically-thin van der Waals heterointerfaces for infrared optical modulation.

Experimental observed plasmon near-field response in isolated suspended graphene resonators.

Ultrasensitive Molecular Detection by Improving the Mode Energy of Graphene Plasmons for Surface Enhanced Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy.

High-Performance Transmission of Surface Plasmons in Graphene-Covered Nanowire Pairs with Substrate

Electron pairing by remote-phonon scattering in oxide-supported graphene

Optical Control of Plasmonic Hot Carriers in Graphene

Electrical plasmon injection in double-layer graphene heterostructures

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Graphene Plasmons 그래핀 플라스몬

Graphene Plasmons 그래핀 플라스몬
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