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Graphene Josephson sentence examples within Ballistic Graphene Josephson

1/f critical current noise in short ballistic graphene Josephson junctions

2$\Phi_{0}$-periodic magnetic interference in ballistic graphene Josephson junctions.

Graphene Josephson sentence examples within graphene josephson junction

Steady Floquet-Andreev States Probed by Tunnelling Spectroscopy

1/f critical current noise in short ballistic graphene Josephson junctions

Steady Floquet-Andreev States Probed by Tunnelling Spectroscopy

1/f critical current noise in short ballistic graphene Josephson junctions

2$\Phi_{0}$-periodic magnetic interference in ballistic graphene Josephson junctions.

Graphene Josephson Junction Quantum Circuits for Noise Detection

Short ballistic Josephson coupling in micrometer-long tantalum/graphene/tantalum junction

Anomalous Phase Dynamics of Driven Graphene Josephson Junctions

Chiral Quasiparticle Tunneling Between Quantum Hall Edges in Proximity with a Superconductor.

Learn more from Graphene Josephson 그래핀 조셉슨

Graphene Josephson 그래핀 조셉슨

Graphene Josephson 그래핀 조셉슨
Encyclopedia 백과사전