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Glycolytic Enzymes sentence examples within glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate

Potential Allosteric Sites Captured in Glycolytic Enzymes via Residue-Based Network Models: Phosphofructokinase, Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase and Pyruvate Kinase

20S and 26S Proteasome-binding proteins of the rabbit brain: a proteomic dataset

Glycolytic Enzymes sentence examples within electron transport chain

The PhoPR two-component system responds to oxygen deficiency and regulates the pathways for energy supply in Corynebacterium glutamicum.

Hypoxia-induced mitochondrial abnormalities in cells of the placenta.

Glycolytic Enzymes sentence examples within hypoxia inducible factor

Interferon-gamma Impairs Human Coronary Artery Endothelial Glucose Metabolism via Tryptophan Catabolism and Activates Fatty Acid Oxidation.

Expression and Clinical Significance of HKII and HIF-1α in Grade Groups of Prostate Cancer

Glycolytic Enzymes sentence examples within pentose phosphate pathway

Enzymatic Changes in Red Blood Cells of Diamond-Blackfan Anemia.

The interactome of the N-terminus of band 3 regulates red blood cell metabolism and storage quality.

Glycolytic Enzymes sentence examples within Key Glycolytic Enzymes

Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) Signaling in Glucose Metabolism in Colorectal Cancer

Warburg effect in keloids: A unique feature different from other types of scars.

Glycolytic Enzymes sentence examples within Several Glycolytic Enzymes

Activation of hypoxia-sensing pathways promotes renal ischemic preconditioning following myocardial infarction.

Altered ISGylation drives aberrant macrophage-dependent immune responses during SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Glycolytic Enzymes sentence examples within Numerou Glycolytic Enzymes

Glutathionylation chemistry promotes interleukin‐1 beta‐mediated glycolytic reprogramming and pro‐inflammatory signaling in lung epithelial cells

Hypoxia: Overview on Hypoxia-Mediated Mechanisms with a Focus on the Role of HIF Genes

Glycolytic Enzymes sentence examples within Regulating Glycolytic Enzymes

Hypoxia boosts aerobic glycolysis of carcinoma:a complex process for tumor development.

Circular RNAs Regulate Glucose Metabolism in Cancer Cells

Glycolytic Enzymes sentence examples within Different Glycolytic Enzymes

Selection for rapid uptake of scarce or fluctuating resource explains vulnerability of glycolysis to imbalance

The Acidic Brain—Glycolytic Switch in the Microenvironment of Malignant Glioma

Glycolytic Enzymes sentence examples within glycolytic enzymes hexokinase

p53-Independent Effects of Set7/9 Lysine Methyltransferase on Metabolism of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Cells

Loss of β-Arrestins or six Gα proteins in HEK293 cells caused Warburg effect and prevented progesterone-induced rapid proteasomal degradation of progesterone receptor membrane component 1

Glycolytic Enzymes sentence examples within glycolytic enzymes expression

Mitochondria: A critical hub for hepatic stellate cells activation during chronic liver diseases: Mitochondria in hepatic stellate cells.

LDLRAD2 promotes pancreatic cancer progression through Akt/mTOR signaling pathway

Glycolytic Enzymes sentence examples within glycolytic enzymes compared

Contrasting strategies of hypoxic cardiac performance and metabolism in cichlids and armoured catfish.

LIN28a induced metabolic and redox regulation promotes cardiac cell survival in the heart after ischemic injury

Glycolytic Enzymes sentence examples within glycolytic enzymes glucose

Normobaric oxygen therapy attenuates hyperglycolysis in ischemic stroke


Lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases (LPMOs) producing microbes: A novel approach for rapid recycling of agricultural wastes.

Glycemic, insulinemic and methylglyoxal postprandial responses to starches alone or in whole diets in dogs versus cats: Relating the concept of glycemic index to metabolic responses and gene expression.

Autoantibody profiles and clinical association in Thai patients with autoimmune retinopathy

ETV4 promotes breast cancer cell stemness by activating glycolysis and CXCR4-mediated sonic Hedgehog signaling

Low-glycemic foods with wheat, barley and herbs (Terminalia chebula, Terminalia bellerica and Emblica officinalis) inhibit α-amylase, α-glucosidase and DPP-IV activity in high fat and low dose streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat

An iPSC-based neural model of sialidosis uncovers glycolytic impairment-causing presynaptic dysfunction and deregulation of Ca2+ dynamics

Current Development and Application of Anaerobic Glycolytic Enzymes in Urothelial Cancer

Fast acting allosteric phosphofructokinase inhibitors block trypanosome glycolysis and cure acute African trypanosomiasis in mice

Interferon alpha-inducible protein 27 (IFI27) is a prognostic marker for pancreatic cancer based on comprehensive bioinformatics analysis.

Understanding the Central Role of Citrate in the Metabolism of Cancer Cells and Tumors: An Update

More Glycolytic Enzymes 해당효소 sentence examples

Yin and Yang of YY1 regulation on tumor metabolic reprogramming

Flexor Tendon Injury and Repair: The Influence of Synovial Environment on the Early Healing Response in a Canine Mode.

Hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress impairs redox status and damages aerobic metabolism of breast muscle in broilers.

The gill-oxygen limitation theory (GOLT) and its critics

Lactate Modulates Cellular Metabolism Through Histone Lactylation-Mediated Gene Expression in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

Hypoxic exosomal HIF-1α-stabilizing circZNF91 promotes chemoresistance of normoxic pancreatic cancer cells via enhancing glycolysis

The Axonal Glycolytic Pathway Contributes to Sensory Axon Extension and Growth Cone Dynamics

Mitochondrial Function Are Disturbed in the Presence of the Anticancer Drug, 3-Bromopyruvate

Developmental changes and metabolic reprogramming during establishment of infection and progression of Trypanosoma brucei brucei through its insect host

Increase of aerobic glycolysis mediated by activated T helper cells drives synovial fibroblasts towards an inflammatory phenotype: new targets for therapy?

Quantitative phosphoproteomic analysis unveil the effect of marketable ages on meat quality in geese.

Increasing neuronal glucose uptake attenuates brain aging and promotes life span under dietary restriction in Drosophila

Molecular characterization and serodiagnostic potential of Echinococcus granulosus hexokinase

Metabolome and proteome analyses reveal transcriptional misregulation in glycolysis of engineered E. coli

The Golgi as a “Proton Sink” in Cancer

Glyoxalase 1 and protein kinase Cλ as potential therapeutic targets for late-stage breast cancer

Mass Spectrometric Profiling of Extraocular Muscle and Proteomic Adaptations in the mdx-4cv Model of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

Middle age as a turning point in mouse cerebral cortex energy and redox metabolism: Modulation by every-other-day fasting

Slowed protein turnover in aging Drosophila reflects a shift in cellular priorities.

183-OR: Pyruvate Kinase M2 (PKM2) Enzymatic Activity Is Necessary to Improve Podocyte Mitochondrial Function and Glomerular Fuel Metabolism and Diabetic Nephropathy

Proton export drives the Warburg Effect

Every-other-day fasting reduces glycolytic capability in the skeletal muscle of young mice

Application of proteomics to understand the molecular mechanisms determining meat quality of beef muscles during postmortem aging

Glucose deprivation enhances resistance to paclitaxel via ELAVL2/4-mediated modification of glycolysis in ovarian cancer cells.

Identification of the MuRF1 Skeletal Muscle Ubiquitylome Through Quantitative Proteomics

Proteome allocations change linearly with specific growth rate of Saccharomyces cerevisiae under glucose-limitation

Novel aspects of regulatory T cell dysfunction as a therapeutic target in giant cell arteritis

The effect of dimethyl sulfoxide on Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis biofilm: An in silico prediction and experimental validation

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Glycolytic Enzymes 해당효소

Glycolytic Enzymes 해당효소
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