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Gene Circuits sentence examples within Synthetic Gene Circuits

Aptamers, Riboswitches, and Ribozymes in S. cerevisiae Synthetic Biology

Design patterns for engineering genetic stability.

Gene Circuits sentence examples within Complex Gene Circuits

Reprogramming Gene Expression by Targeting RNA-Based Interactions: A Novel Pipeline Utilizing RNA Array Technology.

A reversible memory switch for plant synthetic biology based on the phage PhiC31 integration system

Gene Circuits sentence examples within Engineered Gene Circuits

Optimal parameter identification of synthetic gene networks using harmony search algorithm

Development of a Split Esterase for Protein−Protein Interaction- Dependent Small-Molecule Activation

Gene Circuits sentence examples within Inducible Gene Circuits

Inducible asymmetric cell division and cell differentiation in a bacterium

Development of Aspirin-Inducible Biosensors in Escherichia coli and SimCells

Gene Circuits sentence examples within Designed Gene Circuits

Rational Design and Characterization of Nitric Oxide Biosensors in E. coli Nissle 1917 and Mini SimCells.

Defensive Function of Transposable Elements in Bacteria.

Gene Circuits sentence examples within Small Gene Circuits

Precision of tissue patterning is controlled by dynamical properties of gene regulatory networks

Precision of Tissue Patterning is Controlled by Dynamical Properties of Gene Regulatory Networks

Gene Circuits sentence examples within Feedback Gene Circuits

Synthetic cell-based materials extract positional information from morphogen gradients

Noise-Reducing Negative-Feedback Optogenetic Circuits in Mammalian Cells

Gene Circuits sentence examples within Different Gene Circuits

An Automated Biomodel Selection System (BMSS) for Gene Circuit Designs.

Exposing the Underlying Relationship of Cancer Metastasis to Metabolism and Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transitions

Gene Circuits sentence examples within From Gene Circuits

Engineering life in synthetic systems.

Reverse-engineering growth and form in Heidelberg

Gene Circuits sentence examples within Costly Gene Circuits

Engineering gene overlaps to sustain genetic constructs in vivo

Engineering gene overlaps to sustain genetic constructs in vivo

Gene Circuits sentence examples within gene circuits attenuate

Precision of tissue patterning is controlled by dynamical properties of gene regulatory networks

Precision of Tissue Patterning is Controlled by Dynamical Properties of Gene Regulatory Networks

Gene Circuits sentence examples within gene circuits perturb

Growth Defects and Loss-of-Function in Synthetic Gene Circuits.

Growth defects and loss-of-function in synthetic gene circuits

Gene Circuits sentence examples within gene circuits emerge

A framework for the modular and combinatorial assembly of synthetic gene circuits

A framework for the modular and combinatorial assembly of synthetic gene circuits.

Gene Circuits sentence examples within gene circuits synthetic

Complex signal processing in synthetic gene circuits using cooperative regulatory assemblies

Engineering microbial peer pressure

Gene Circuits sentence examples within gene circuits would

Development of Aspirin-Inducible Biosensors in Escherichia coli and SimCells

Characterisation and development of aspirin inducible biosensors in E. coli and SimCells

Dynamic Modeling of Transcriptional Gene Regulatory Networks.

Critical Comparison of MaxCal and Other Stochastic Modeling Approaches in Analysis of Gene Networks

Estimates of gene ensemble noise highlight critical pathways and predict disease severity in H1N1, COVID-19 and mortality in sepsis patients

Synthesis of RNA-based gene regulatory devices for redirecting cellular signaling events mediated by p53

A robust Escherichia coli cell-free expression toolbox driven by sigma factors

Stable maintenance of hidden switches as a strategy to increase the gene expression stability

Suboptimal proteome allocation during changing environments constrains bacterial response and growth recovery

Stochastic Differential Equations for Practical Simulation of Gene Circuits.

Biosynthesis pathways and strategies for improving 3-hydroxypropionic acid production in bacteria.

Golden Gate Assembly of Aerobic and Anaerobic Microbial Bioreporters

The emergence of the two cell fates and their associated switching for a negative auto-regulating gene

Stable maintenance of a hidden switch as a way to increase the gene expression stability

Central dogma rates and the trade-off between precision and economy

Phase space characterization for gene circuit design

Classification-Based Inference of Dynamical Models of Gene Regulatory Networks

Fluorescence calibration and color equivalence for quantitative synthetic biology.

Cell‐Free Protein Synthesis and Its Perspectives for Assembling Cells from the Bottom‐Up

Central dogma rates and the trade-off between precision and economy in gene expression

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Gene Circuits 유전자 회로

Gene Circuits 유전자 회로
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