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Ab initio modelling of molecular hydrogen rotation in the outside of carbon nanotubes

The Quality of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses in Erectile Dysfunction Treatment and Management Published in the Sexual Medicine Literature.

Protective effects of astragalus polysaccharide nanoparticles on septic cardiac dysfunction through inhibition of TLR4/NF-κB signaling pathway.

Pump-driven normal-to-excitonic insulator transition: Josephson oscillations and signatures of BEC-BCS crossover in time-resolved ARPES

Erectile Recovery After Radical Pelvic Surgery: Methodological Challenges and Recommendations for Data Reporting.

Damage Control Considerations During IPP Surgery

Shock Wave Therapy inVasculogenic Erectile Dysfunction

PnPP-19 Peptide Restores Erectile Function in Hypertensive and Diabetic Animals Through Intravenous and Topical Administration.

Istaroxime improves diabetic diastolic dysfunction through SERCA stimulation

Equine adipose mesenchymal stem cells (eq-ASCs) appear to have higher potential for migration and musculoskeletal differentiation.

A purely penoscrotal approach: Reservoir placement of an inflatable penile prosthesis (IPP) in an orthotopic neobladder patient. Case report.

Valorization of olive pomace by a green integrated approach applying sustainable extraction and membrane-assisted concentration.

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Function Treatment 기능 치료

Function Treatment 기능 치료
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