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Function Profile sentence examples within Liver Function Profile

Hypolipidemic effects of curcumin, cinnamon, vitamin C and simvastatin in domestic rabbits

A woman with anti-mitochondrial antibody-negative primary biliary cholangitis for a long-term intermittent elevated hepatic enzymes: a case report

Function Profile sentence examples within Thyroid Function Profile

Postnatal Serum Total Thyroxine of Very Preterm Infants and Long-Term Neurodevelopmental Outcome

Proteinuria in dogs with gallbladder mucocele formation: A retrospective case control study

Function Profile sentence examples within Lung Function Profile

The contribution of patients’ lung function to the inspiratory airflow rate achievable through a DPIs’ simulator reproducing different intrinsic resistance rates

Dose–Response Relationship between Environmental Exposure to Nickel and Pulmonary Function in the Korean General Population Aged 40 or Older

Function Profile sentence examples within Cognitive Function Profile

Factors that influence cognitive function in epilepsy patients at neurology clinic Mohammad Hoesin Hospital Palembang

Attention, memory, and executive functions profile in a prospective cohort of patients with malignant glioma.

Function Profile sentence examples within Mitochondrial Function Profile

The antitumor properties of metformin and phenformin reflect their ability to inhibit the actions of differentiated embryo chondrocyte 1


Function Profile sentence examples within Wave Function Profile

Validity of Gross-Pitaevskii solutions of harmonically confined BEC gases in reduced dimensions

Revisiting instabilities of $S^1/Z_2$ models with loop-induced Fayet-Iliopoulos terms.

Function Profile sentence examples within Neighborhood Function Profile

Patterns of diverse gene functions in genomic neighborhoods predict gene function and phenotype

Patterns of diverse gene functions in genomic neighborhoods predict gene function and phenotype

Function Profile sentence examples within Bowel Function Profile

Opioid-induced constipation in chronic pain: Experience with 180 patients.

Opioid-induced constipation in chronic pain: Experience with 180 patients.

Function Profile sentence examples within Sexual Function Profile


Contraceptive use and sexual function: a comparison of Italian female medical students and women attending family planning services

Function Profile sentence examples within Predicted Function Profile

Nitrogen removal mechanism and microbial community changes of bioaugmentation subsurface wastewater infiltration system.

Differences in bacterial community structure between three types of biological soil crusts and soil below crusts from the Gurbantunggut Desert, China

Function Profile sentence examples within Correlation Function Profile

Spatial Correlation in Indoor Massive MIMO: Measurements and Ray Tracing

How to calculate starch lamellar features with improved accuracy by small angle X-ray scattering.

Function Profile sentence examples within Renal Function Profile

Case report: MRI findings of acute uremic encephalopathy in a 1-year-old boy

The effect of a multidisciplinary weight loss program on renal circadian rhythm in obese adolescents

Function Profile sentence examples within Kidney Function Profile

Non-occupational exposure to pesticides and health markers in general population in Northern Finland: Differences between sexes.

Chronic Exposure to Organophosphates Pesticides and Risk of Metabolic Disorder in Cohort from Pakistan and Cameroon

Function Profile sentence examples within Potential Function Profile

Distinct Composition and Assembly Processes of Bacterial Communities in a River from the Arid Area: Ecotypes or Habitat Types?

A large‐scale metagenomic study for enzyme profiles using the focused identification of the NGS‐based definitive enzyme research (FINDER) strategy

The Viability of 3-D Power Doppler Imaging Using Continuous Mechanical Translation: Simulation and Theoretical Analysis

Stability of expanding accretion shocks for an arbitrary equation of state

Diversity of soil-borne fungal species associated to root rot and vine decline of melon in Sardinia (Italy)

Dietary L-arginine supplementation of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) alters the microbial population and activates intestinal fatty acid oxidation.

Distinct Composition and Assembly Processes of Bacterial Communities in a River From The Arid Area: Ecotypes or Habitat Types?

The Effects of Continual Consumption of Origanum vulgare on Liver Transcriptomics

Distinct profile of bacterial community and antibiotic resistance genes on microplastics in Ganjiang River at the watershed level.

Adapting behavioural interventions to compensate for cognitive dysfunction in persons with opioid use disorder

Serum Myo-Inositol, Dimethyl Sulfone, and Valine in Combination with Creatinine Allow Accurate Assessment of Renal Insufficiency—A Proof of Concept

Using text mining to extract depressive symptoms and to validate the diagnosis of major depressive disorder from electronic health records.

The occurrence of potato common scab correlates with the community composition and function of the geocaulosphere soil microbiome

Hepato-protective effect of curcumin and silymarin against Eimeria stiedae in experimentally infected rabbits

Quantitative and qualitative sensory testing results are associated with numbness rather than neuropathic pain in patients with post-implant trigeminal neuropathy: a cross-sectional pilot study

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Function Profile 기능 프로필

Function Profile 기능 프로필
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