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Function Dependent sentence examples within Membership Function Dependent

Interval type-2 regional switching T-S fuzzy control for time-delay systems via membership function dependent approach

Further Studies on $H_{\infty}$ Filtering Design for Fuzzy System With Known or Unknown Premise Variables

Function Dependent sentence examples within Energy Function Dependent

A bond-based micropolar peridynamic model with shear deformability: Elasticity, failure properties and initial yield domains

Plane Wave Reflection in a Compressible Half Space with Initial Stress

Function Dependent sentence examples within Lyapunov Function Dependent

Synchronization of a Class of Discrete-Time Nonlinear Singularly Perturbed Complex Networks†

Dynamic event-triggered communication based fault detection for networked singularly perturbed systems*

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Function Dependent sentence examples within function dependent lyapunov

Further Studies on $H_{\infty}$ Filtering Design for Fuzzy System With Known or Unknown Premise Variables

Improved Stabilization Method for Time-Delay T-S Fuzzy Systems

The effect of viral vaccines on natural killer cell effector function

Broadcasting on Random Networks

A universal dimensionality function for the fractal dimensions of Laplacian growth

Hippocampal network reorganization underlies the formation of a temporal association memory

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Function Dependent 기능 종속

Function Dependent 기능 종속
Encyclopedia 백과사전