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Flexure Cancer sentence examples within Splenic Flexure Cancer

Should be a locally advanced colon cancer still considered a contraindication to laparoscopic resection?

Rare case of splenic flexure colon cancer with isolated appendiceal metastasis

Flexure Cancer sentence examples within Hepatic Flexure Cancer

Clinical analysis of metastatic characteristics of infrapyloric lymph nodes (No.206) and terminal ileum lymph nodes in patients with right colon cancer

Primary tumor resection improves prognosis of unresectable carcinomas of the transverse colon including flexures with liver metastasis: a preliminary population-based analysis

Should be a locally advanced colon cancer still considered a contraindication to laparoscopic resection?

Clinical analysis of metastatic characteristics of infrapyloric lymph nodes (No.206) and terminal ileum lymph nodes in patients with right colon cancer

Rare case of splenic flexure colon cancer with isolated appendiceal metastasis

Single-docking robotic-assisted artery-guided segmental splenic flexure colectomy for splenic flexure cancer-a propensity score-matching analysis.

Real-time fluorescence image-guided gastrointestinal oncologic surgery: Towards a new era

Re-interpreting mesenteric vascular anatomy on 3D virtual and/or physical models: positioning the middle colic artery bifurcation and its relevance to surgeons operating colon cancer

Surgical anatomy of the accessory middle colic artery: a meta‐analysis with implications for splenic flexure cancer surgery

Primary tumor resection improves prognosis of unresectable carcinomas of the transverse colon including flexures with liver metastasis: a preliminary population-based analysis

How to do a laparoscopic high left colectomy with complete mesocolic excision and central vascular ligation for splenic flexure cancer

Surgical treatment of a colon neoplasm of the splenic flexure: a multicentric study of short‐term outcomes

Laparoscopic Complete Mesocolic Excision for Double Flexural Colon Cancers

Laparoscopic Complete Mesocolic Excision for Double Flexural Colon Cancers

Treatment of splenic flexure colon cancer: a comparison of three different surgical procedures: Experience of a high volume cancer center

Is Segmental Colon Resection an Alternative Treatment for Splenic Flexure Cancer?

Arterial anatomy of the splenic flexure using preoperative three-dimensional computed tomography

More Flexure Cancer 굴곡 암 sentence examples

Does transverse colon cancer spread to the extramesocolic lymph node stations?

Laparoscopic resection with complete mesocolic excision for splenic flexure cancer: long-term follow-up data from a multicenter retrospective study

Robotic left colectomy with complete mesocolic excision and intracorporeal side‐to‐side anastomosis for splenic flexure cancer with the da Vinci Xi robotic platform – a video vignette

Colonic splenic flexure carcinoma: is laparoscopic segmental resection a safe enough oncological approach?

Laparoscopic segmental left colectomy for splenic flexure carcinoma: a single institution experience

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