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Family Functional sentence examples within caregiver overload among

Quality of life of parents of school age children with a birth weight less than 1500 grams

Calidad de vida de los padres de escolares nacidos prematuros con peso menor de 1.500 gramos

‘Be the match’. Predictors of decisions concerning registration in potential bone marrow donor registry in a group of Polish young adults as an example of prosocial behaviour

Depressive Symptoms and Family Functionality in the Elderly With Diabetes Mellitus

Utilización del control prenatal en gestantes de la delegación Iztapalapa, distrito federal de México

The Effectiveness of the Communication Training Program for Combating Violence Against Women

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Determinants of mental health and abuse of psychoactive substances associated with tobacco use. A case-control study.

Biopsychosocial factors associated with the frailty and pre-frailty among older adults.

Early Protocolized Versus Usual Care Rehabilitation for Pediatric Neurocritical Care Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

Valoración de las familias participantes en el programa preventivo Crecer en Familia con Gorgoritos

Percepción de felicidad relacionada con la familia a lo largo de la vida en Bogotá, Colombia

Motivational Climate and Physical Activity: A Multigroup Analysis in Romanian and Spanish University Students

Association between food security and family functionality in primary care

[Perception of happiness associated to family life in Bogotá- Colombia].

Elderly caregivers of the elderly: frailty, loneliness and depressive symptoms.

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Variables que discriminan a las víctimas y no víctimas de ciberacoso en adolescentes

Desarrollo cognitivo y funcionalidad familiar de infantes en las comunidades urbano-marginales de Ecuador

Funcionalidad familiar y depresión en adultos mayores en una Institución de Salud de Ciudad Victoria

Self-Perception of Gerontoism according to Social Support and Family Functionality

Association between family functionality and hypoglycemia in people with type 2 diabetes in primary care


Mothers with disabled children: needs, stress levels and family functionality in rehabilitation.

Adherencia terapéutica en adultos con diabetes tipo 2 en un programa de enfermedades crónicas. Huánuco 2017

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Family Functional 가족 기능

Family Functional 가족 기능
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