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Exposure Management sentence examples within Post Exposure Management

Knowledge, attitude, and practice towards Hepatitis B infection among nurses and midwives in two maternity hospitals in Khartoum, Sudan

72 Reduction of needlestick injuries among nurses and healthcare assistants through an intervention: national hospital sri lanka (NHSL)

Exposure Management sentence examples within Radiation Exposure Management

Radiation exposure management techniques during endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography procedures

Lessons from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident -from a research perspective.

Exposure Management sentence examples within Occupational Exposure Management

Analysis and management strategy of blood-derived occupational exposure in medical staff of a hospital of infectious diseases from 2007 to 2018

Knowledge on Handling of HIV and HBV Patients and Occupational Post-Exposure Prophylaxis against HIV and HBV: Effectiveness of Training Programme for Nurses

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Exposure Management sentence examples within Heat Exposure Management

Estimating the magnitude and risk associated with heat exposure among Ghanaian mining workers

Heat exposure effect on Ghanaian mining workers: A mediated-moderation approach.

Exposure Management sentence examples within exposure management system

How much should we be concerned about cumulative effective doses in medical imaging?

Lessons from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident -from a research perspective.

The Titer Testing in Post-Vaccination Rabies Immunoglobulin G (IgG) with the Administration of Wild Horse Milk

Bat intrusions at a tertiary care center in Iowa, 2018-2020.

Global prevalence of hepatitis B virus serological markers among healthcare workers: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Elderly Patient Care: A New Reality of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic

Assessment of Lead and Mercury Exposure Levels in the General Population of Korea Using Integrated National Biomonitoring Data

Adaptação cultural e atualização do questionário Risk assessment and management of exposure of health care workers in the context of COVID-19 para o contexto brasileiro

COVID-19 Contact Tracing in a Pediatric Hospital: Maximizing Effectiveness Through Specialized Team and Automated Tools

The relationship between resilience and organisational control systems in the South African aviation industry

Incidence of Needle Stick Injury among The Dental Students and Dental House Officers of Bhitai Medical and Dental College, Mirpur Khas

Barriers and solutions to finding rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis cases in older children and adolescents.

Replication of Internet Privacy Concerns in the Mobile Banking Context

Underreporting of Bloodborne Pathogen Exposures in Nursing Students

Avoiding bites and scratches? Understanding the public health implication of human–bat interactions in Ghana

61 Successful improvement in post-exposure outcomes among healthcare workers exposed to vaccine-preventable diseases in a hospital setting

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Exposure Management 노출 관리

Exposure Management 노출 관리
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