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Self-Esteem, Peer Influence And Family Relationship As Predictors Of Tramadol Abuse Among Young People Undergoing Rehabilitation At A Private Facility In North Central Nigeria

Factors associated with treatment failure of high-flow nasal cannula among children with bronchiolitis: a single-centre retrospective study.

Trajectories of health-related quality of life in children of parents with mental health problems: results of the BELLA study

Modeling of diagnosis for metabolic syndrome by integrating symptoms into physiochemical indexes.

Dissecting patterns of care in patients with variant histology of bladder cancer and lymph node invasion

Patterns, price and predictors of successful empiric antibiotic therapy in a real‐world setting

Predictors of functioning and clinical outcomes in inpatient with schizophrenia on clozapine augmented with antipsychotics.

Who helps and why? A longitudinal exploration of volunteer role identity, intergroup closeness, and community identification as predictors of coordinated helping during the COVID-19 pandemic

Continuous Predictors of Pretest-Posttest Change: Highlighting the Impact of the Regression Artifact

Predictors of family focused practice: organisation, profession, or the role as child responsible personnel?

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Exploring Predictors 예측 변수 탐색

Exploring Predictors 예측 변수 탐색
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