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Evaluative Conditioning sentence examples within Abstract Evaluative Conditioning

Beyond contingency awareness: the role of influence awareness in resisting conditioned attitudes

Evaluative conditioning with fear- and disgust-evoking stimuli: no evidence that they increase learning without explicit memory

Evaluative Conditioning sentence examples within Use Evaluative Conditioning

Enhanced early visual processing after evaluative conditioning.

Godless by association: Deficits in trust mediate antiatheist stigma-by-association.

Evaluative Conditioning sentence examples within Backward Evaluative Conditioning

Emergence of assimilation or contrast effects in backward evaluative conditioning does not depend on US offset predictability

Contrast effects in backward evaluative conditioning: Exploring effects of affective relief/disappointment versus instructional information.

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Evaluative Conditioning sentence examples within evaluative conditioning paradigm

Are there similarities between emotional and familiarity-based processing in visual word recognition?

Evaluative conditioning affects the subsequent acquisition of differential fear conditioning as indexed by electrodermal responding and stimulus evaluations.

Evaluative Conditioning sentence examples within evaluative conditioning procedure

Beyond contingency awareness: the role of influence awareness in resisting conditioned attitudes

Implicit interpersonal evaluations as a risk factor for suicidality: Automatic spousal attitudes predict changes in the probability of suicidal thoughts.

Evaluative Conditioning sentence examples within evaluative conditioning effect

Evaluative Influences of CS-US Pairings Are Non-Reciprocal

Crowding with Negatively Conditioned Flankers and Targets

Implicit person memory: Domain-general and domain-specific processes of learning and change

Examining cognitive bias modification interventions for reducing food value and choice: Two pre-registered, online studies

The Effect of the EU ‐Brand on Citizens’ Trust in Policies: Replicating an Experiment

Acquisition and maintenance of disgust reactions in an OCD analogue sample: Efficiency of extinction strategies through a counter-conditioning procedure

Are our preferences and evaluations conditioned by the language context?

Carrots for the donkey: Influence of evaluative conditioning and training on self-paced exercise intensity and delay discounting of exercise in healthy adults

Attitudes as propositional representations

Acquiring favorable attitudes based on aversive affective cues: Examining the spontaneity and efficiency of propositional evaluative conditioning

Sixty years after Orne’s American Psychologist article: A conceptual analysis of “Demand Characteristics”

Why Does the IAT Reveal a Preference for Stimuli Said to Be Paired With an Unpleasant Sound? Stalking the Unexpected

No evidence of consolidation of evaluative conditioning during waking rest and sleep

The Role of Intentionality in Priming

An examination of transformation of evaluative and consequential functions through derived relations with participant-generated values-relevant stimuli

In the eye of the drinker: Drinking motives influence the effectiveness of conditioning implicit alcohol attitudes.

Response production during extinction training is not sufficient for extinction of evaluative conditioning

How candy placements in films influence children’s selection behavior in real-life shopping scenarios – an Austrian experimental field study

Evaluative conditioning effects are modulated by the nature of contextual pairings

Evaluative conditioning of pattern-masked nonwords requires perceptual awareness.

Are there two independent evaluative conditioning effects in relational paradigms? Dissociating the effects of CS-US pairings and their meaning

Reducing body dissatisfaction by means of an evaluative conditioning procedure in undergraduate women: A replication study.

Relapse of evaluative learning-Evidence for reinstatement, renewal, but not spontaneous recovery, of extinguished evaluative learning in a picture-picture evaluative conditioning paradigm.

A Memory-Based Judgment Account of Expectancy-Liking Dissociations in Evaluative Conditioning

Odors Are More Sensitive to Evaluative Conditioning than Sounds

Dissociations between Learning Phenomena do Not Necessitate Multiple Learning Processes: Mere Instructions about Upcoming Stimulus Presentations Differentially Influence Liking and Expectancy

The influence of misinformation manipulations on evaluative conditioning.

Similarity-based and rule-based generalisation in the acquisition of attitudes via evaluative conditioning

Is Evaluative Conditioning Moderated by Big Five Personality Traits?

On the external validity of evaluative conditioning: Evaluative responses generalize to modified instances of conditioned stimuli

Does attitude acquisition in evaluative conditioning without explicit CS-US memory reflect implicit misattribution of affect?

When People Co-occur With Good or Bad Events: Graded Effects of Relational Qualifiers on Evaluative Conditioning

On the Assumptions That We Make About the World Around Us: A Conceptual Framework for Feature Transformation Effects

Of Two Minds About Alcohol: Specific Effects of Evaluative Conditioning on Implicit, but Not Explicit, Alcohol Cognitions Among Heavy Versus Light Drinkers

The impact of instruction- and experience-based evaluative learning on IAT performance: a Quad model perspective

A Brief Mobile Evaluative Conditioning App to Reduce Body Dissatisfaction? A Pilot Study in University Women

Can Evaluative Conditioning Change Well-Established Attitudes Towards Popular Brands? Your Brain Says Yes Even Though Your Mouth Says No

Implicit process interventions in eating behaviour: a meta-analysis examining mediators and moderators

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Evaluative Conditioning 평가적 조건화

Evaluative Conditioning 평가적 조건화
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