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Attitudes toward syringe exchange programs in a rural Appalachian community.

The ability and safety of community-based health workers to safely initiate lifesaving therapies for pre-eclampsia in Ogun State, Nigeria: An analysis of 260 community treatments with MgSO4 and/or methyldopa.

Evaluate Community sentence examples within evaluate community pharmacist

Attitude towards professional practice among community pharmacists’ in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

A simulated patient study to evaluate community pharmacist assessment, management and advice giving to patients with asthma

Evaluate Community sentence examples within evaluate community health

Using a participatory approach to assess the effectiveness of the Get Healthy Service among Chinese communities in Sydney, Australia

Transdisciplinary Online Health Assessment of an Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining Community during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Mandalay Region of Myanmar

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Evaluate Community sentence examples within evaluate community well

Evaluating rural viability and well-being: Evidence from marginal areas in Tuscany

Scoping review study to identify how communities in the USA, Australia, New Zealand and Canada use quality improvement (QI) approaches to address community health and well-being

Evaluate Community sentence examples within evaluate community practice

Development and validation of a risk model for noninvasive detection of cancer in oral potentially malignant disorders using DNA image cytometry

Estrategia didáctica para el desarrollo de prácticas comunitarias en la Carrera de Medicina de UNIANDES

Evaluate Community sentence examples within evaluate community awarenes

Seroprevalence of Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumoni and Assessments of Community Knowledge, Attitudes & Practices in Western Oromia, Ethiopia

The County-Wide Dissemination of Triple P Parenting Program: An Implementation Study

Temporal change in population-level prevalence of detectable HIV viraemia and its association with HIV incidence in key populations in India: a serial cross-sectional study.

Using Wastewater Surveillance Data to Support the COVID-19 Response — United States, 2020–2021

Mental Health Promotion and Stigma Reduction Among University Students Using the Reach, Efficacy, Adoption, Implementation, and Maintenance (RE-AIM) Framework: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Study

Study Designs to Assess Real-World Interventions to Prevent COVID-19

Towards the social prescription of the arts: The arts in health and social care in Malta

Prioritizing Community-Based Intervention Programs for Improving Treatment Compliance of Patients with Chronic Diseases: Applying an Analytic Hierarchy Process

Community-Designed Messaging Interventions to Improve Cost-of-Care Conversations in Settings Serving Low-Income, Latino Populations

Social cohesion, mutual efficacy, and informal social control:Enhancing the conceptualization of collective efficacy

Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior: Food and Nutrition Programs for Community-Residing Older Adults.

Impact of Community-Based Continuous Training on Promoting Birth Preparedness and Pregnancy Outcome in Rural Odisha, India: An Interventional Study

Developing young men’s wellbeing through community and school-based programs: A systematic review

The relationship between social capital and self-rated health: a multilevel analysis based on a poverty alleviation program in the Philippines

Recommended priorities for research on ecological impacts of ocean and coastal acidification in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic

Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior: Food and Nutrition Programs for Community-Residing Older Adults.

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Evaluate Community 커뮤니티 평가

Evaluate Community 커뮤니티 평가
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