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Клопогон кистевидный (цимицифуга ветвистая, Cimicifuga racemosa) – неэстрогенная альтернатива заместительной гормональной терапии

Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) is a non-estrogenic alternative to hormone replacement therapy

Estrogenic Compounds sentence examples within Detect Estrogenic Compounds

Biomimetic estrogen sensor based on soft colloidal probes.

Use of alternative methods: From fundamental to industrial research.

The effects of sesame oil and different doses of estradiol on testicular structure, sperm parameters, and chromatin integrity in old mice

Evaluation of the oestrogenic potential of oestrone and bisphenol-A on the reproduction of Astyanax bimaculatus males after subacute exposure.

Estrogenicity of chemical mixtures revealed by a panel of bioassays

Substances of emerging concern in Baltic Sea water: Review on methodological advances for the environmental assessment and proposal for future monitoring

Oocyte Survival and Development During Follicle Formation and Folliculogenesis in Mice Lacking Aromatase

Determination the biochemical kinetics of natural and synthetic estrogens in moving bed Bioreactor

Health status of fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) populations in a municipal wastewater effluent-dominated stream in the Canadian prairies, Wascana Creek, Saskatchewan.

Occurrence, fate, and persistence of emerging micropollutants in sewage sludge treatment.

Natural and Synthetic Estrogens Regulate Human Health

Prevent Devastating Hail Storms, Flash Floods, Tornadoes, Tsunami, by Eradicating Global Abortion, and Reversing Contraception: A Retrospective Analysis

Improvement of wastewater and water quality via a full-scale ozonation plant? - A comprehensive analysis of the endocrine potential using effect-based methods.

Biological responses in fish exposed to municipal wastewater treatment plant effluent in situ

Potential therapeutic interventions of plant-derived isoflavones against acute lung injury.

Modeling estrogenic activity in streams throughout the Potomac and Chesapeake Bay watersheds

Prolonged estrogen deprivation triggers a broad immunosuppressive phenotype in breast cancer cells.

Pre-validation of choriogenin H transgenic medaka eleutheroembryos as a quantitative estrogenic activity test method.

Shatavari Supplementation in Postmenopausal Women Improves Handgrip Strength and Increases Vastus Lateralis Myosin Regulatory Light Chain Phosphorylation But Does Not Alter Markers of Bone Turnover: A Randomised Controlled Trial.

Efficacy and reusability of mixed-phase TiO2-ZnO nanocomposites for the removal of estrogenic effects of 17β-Estradiol and 17α-Ethinylestradiol from water.

Zearalenone alters the excitability of rat neuronal networks after acute in vitro exposure.

Occurrence and emission of phthalates, bisphenol A, and oestrogenic compounds in concentrated animal feeding operations in Southern China.

Multi-phase distribution and risk assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the surface water of the Shaying River, -Huai River Basin, China.


Role of Estrogen in Androgen-Induced Prostate Carcinogenesis in NBL Rats

Estrogenic compounds as exogenous modulators of physiological functions in molluscs: Signaling pathways and biological responses.

Binding specificities of estrogen receptor with perfluorinated compounds: A cross species comparison.

Paraben Content in Adjacent Normal-malignant Breast Tissues from Women with Breast Cancer.

Effects of medicinal herbs on osteoporosis: a systematic review based on clinical trials

Analysis of operational parameters, reactor kinetics, and floc characterization for the removal of estrogens via electrocoagulation.

Free and conjugated estrogens detections in drainage tiles and wells beneath fields receiving swine manure slurry.

Environmental exposure to oestrogenic endocrine disruptors mixtures reflecting on gonadal sex steroids and gametogenesis of the neotropical fishAstyanax rivularis.

Degradation of 17α-ethinylestradiol by Enterobacter tabaci Isolate and Kinetic Characterization

Validity and Reliability of the Wristband Activity Monitor in Free-living Children Aged 10-17 Years.

In vivo assessment of gonad status, secondary sex characteristics and spawning in transparent Casper zebrafish

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Estrogenic Compounds 에스트로겐 화합물

Estrogenic Compounds 에스트로겐 화합물
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