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Estrogen deficiency affects tooth formation and gene expression in the odontogenic region of female rats.

Hormonal influences in migraine — interactions of oestrogen, oxytocin and CGRP

Crossroad between Obesity and Cancer: A Defective Signaling Function of Heavily Lipid-Laden Adipocytes

Estrogen-mediated protection against coronary heart disease: The role of the Notch pathway

Estrogen degrades Scribble in endometrial epithelial cells through E3 ubiquitin ligase HECW1 in the development of diffuse adenomyosis †

Learn more from Estrogen Regulates 에스트로겐 조절

Estrogen Regulates 에스트로겐 조절

Estrogen Regulates 에스트로겐 조절
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