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Environment Sustainability sentence examples within Built Environment Sustainability

Built Environment Sustainability Between Ethical Responsibility and Obligatory Laws.(Dept.A)

A whole life cycle performance-based ECOnomic and ECOlogical assessment framework (ECO2) for concrete sustainability

Environment Sustainability sentence examples within Ecological Environment Sustainability

Unmanned aerial vehicle and artificial intelligence revolutionizing efficient and precision sustainable forest management

Dynamic assessment of island ecological environment sustainability under urbanization based on rough set, synthetic index and catastrophe progression analysis theories

Environment Sustainability sentence examples within Water Environment Sustainability

Discrepancies in legal classifications as a hindrance to implementing water policy, on the example of Lake Wysokie

Discrepancies in Legal Classifications as a Hindrance to Implementing Water Policy, on the Example of Lake Wysokie

Learn more from Environment Sustainability 환경 지속 가능성

Environment Sustainability sentence examples within Urban Environment Sustainability

Assessment of the Role of Greenbelts in Environmental and Socio-Economic Development of Urban Areas in Southeast Nigeria

“Cities go smart!”: A system dynamics-based approach to smart city conceptualization

Environment Sustainability sentence examples within environment sustainability performance

Good corporate governance and corporate sustainability performance in Indonesia: A triple bottom line approach


Tourism growth and environmental sustainability: trade-off or convergence?

Role and effect of traditional markets: The internationally awarded case of Barcelos

The Impact of Managerial Ownership on Sustainability Accounting

The impact of energy-intensive industries on air quality in China’s industrial agglomerations

Grass Research for a Productive, Healthy and Sustainable Society

Modeling the Hidden Risk of Polyethylene Contaminants within the Supply Chain

Exogenous Melatonin Enhances Cd Tolerance and Phytoremediation Efficiency by Ameliorating Cd-Induced Stress in Oilseed Crops: A Review

Optimization of a fluorogenic assay to determine caspase 3/7 activity in meat extracts.

Keeping Promises? Carbon Risk Disclosure and Mutual Fund Portfolios

IoT (LoRa WAN) Architecture Design for Meteorological data System

Factors Affecting the Utilisation of Cassava Products for Poultry Feeding [Review]

Issues of Inequality and Environment Sustainability in Chhattisgarh

Environmental and Collective Rights: Differences between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous ngo s Involved with the United Nations Human Rights Council

Use of spent garnet in industry: A review

Análise do uso da energia fotovoltaica em universidades

A new Eu-MOF for ratiometrically fluorescent detection toward quinolone antibiotics and selective detection toward tetracycline antibiotics

Analysis of Indonesian Tourism Potentials Through the Sustainable Tourism Perspective in the New Normal Era

Enhancing Environmental Sustainability Through Corporate Governance: The Merger and Acquisition Perspective

Eco-friendly self-crosslinking cellulose membrane with high mechanical properties from renewable resources for oil/water emulsion separation

Three Dimensions of Green Industrial Policy in the Context of Climate Change and Sustainable Development

Relative performance of various composts and NPK fertilizer on upgrowth and quality of fodder maize

Bio-irrigation: A Drought Alleviation Strategy through Induced Hydro-parasitization under Bi-cropping Practices of Rainfed Agro-ecosystem: A Review

Crisis Management in Managing Hotels in Labuan Bajo During The Covid-19 Pandemic

A review on plant-microbial interactions, functions, mechanisms and emerging trends in bioretention system to improve multi-contaminated stormwater treatment.


Industrial water conservation by water footprint and sustainable development goals: a review

Urban land-use planning under multi-uncertainty and multiobjective considering ecosystem service value and economic benefit - A case study of Guangzhou, China

The Resource Immobility, Strategic Capability, and Competitive Performance of State-Owned Enterprise in Indonesia: A Study Case of PT Pelindo III (Persero)

Study on Fabrication of Sand Concrete for Reinforced Concrete Structures in Coastal construction in Vietnam

Evaluasi Kriteria Penetapan Lokasi Terminal Tipe A (Studi Kasus: Terminal Leuwipanjang, Bandung Dan Terminal Giwangan, Yogyakarta)

Built Environment Assessment Systems in Africa: Challenges to Assure Environmental Sustainability

Carrying Capacity of Diving Tourism in Dampier Strait Marine Conservation Area – District of Raja Ampat

Does the Energy Efficiency of Power Companies Affect Their Industry Status? A DEA Analysis of Listed Companies in Thermal Power Sector

High capacity Hg(II) and Pb(II) removal using MOF-based nanocomposite: Cooperative effects of pore functionalization and surface-charge modulation.

Evolution toward environment sustainable behavior: search for survival in the plastic industry in Brazil

Impact of Vibration on Double-Porosity Unsaturated Laterite Soil with Different Water Contents

Investigating factors influencing decision-makers’ intention to adopt Green IT in Malaysian manufacturing industry

Cloth Based Biocompatiable Temperature Sensor

Effect of titanium (IV) isopropoxide molarity on the crystallinity and photocatalytic activity of titanium dioxide thin film deposited via green sol–gel route

The qur’an, woman, and nationalism in Indonesia: Ulama perempuan’s moral movement

Enrichment of Rice with Grape Peel Powder by Extrusion

Advances on Photonic Crystal Fiber Sensors and Applications

What affects the development of renewable energy power generation projects in China: ISM analysis

Inorganic Amendments for the Remediation of Cadmium-Contaminated Soils

Response of hydrological system to urbanization: a case study in Tianjin City, China

Food Waste Management in Coastal Hotels in Tanzania

Genetic Resources of Tropical Fruits

A two-stage water allocation strategy for developing regional economic-environment sustainability.

Bioconversion of Biomass to Biofuel Using Fungal Consortium

Green Information Technology Adoption Antecedence: A Conceptual Framework

Critical success factors of green manufacturing for achieving sustainability in Indian context

Relevance of Smart Economy in Smart Cities in Africa

Environtmental Conservation Based on Local Wisdoms in Kendal Ngisor, Banyubiru

KARAKTERISTIK TANAH HAHT (HUMAN ALTERED-HUMAN TRANSPORTED) DI AREA PERDESAAN TERHADAP KELESTARIAN LINGKUNGAN (Characteristics of HAHT (Human Altered-Human Transported) Soil in Rural Areas for Environmental Sustainability)

Studi Etnobotani Masyarakat di Sekitar Kawasan Hutan Bedugul Bali

Bacterial Conversion of Waste Products into Degradable Plastics: An Inexpensive Yet Eco-friendly Approach

Energy Aware Resource Allocation in Multi-Hop Multimedia Routing via the Smart Edge Device

Rhizobial Inoculants for Sustainable Agriculture: Prospects and Applications

Nutrient recovery as struvite from conventional activated sludge treatment plants

Impacts of Land-Use Changes on Soil Erosion in Water-Wind Crisscross Erosion Region of China

Computer-Based Analysis of the Stochastic Stability of Mechanical Structures Driven by White and Colored Noise

Sustainable Development of Tasik Kenyir Eco-Tourism Using System Dynamic

Effects of Phytase Supplementation to Diets with or without Zinc Addition on Growth Performance and Zinc Utilization of White Pekin Ducks

Learn more from Environment Sustainability 환경 지속 가능성

Environment Sustainability 환경 지속 가능성

Environment Sustainability 환경 지속 가능성
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