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Energy Enhancement sentence examples within photon strength function

Continuing influence of shell effects at high-excitation energies

Combined analysis of the low-energy enhancement of the gamma-strength function and the giant dipole resonance

Energy Enhancement sentence examples within Local Energy Enhancement

On Localized Antenna Energy in Electromagnetic Radiation

Lightning-Rod Effect of Plasmonic Field Enhancement on Hydrogen-Absorbing Transition Metals

Energy Enhancement sentence examples within energy enhancement factor

Improving the applicability of the Pauli kinetic energy density based semilocal functional for solids

Effect and Optimization of Process Conditions during Solvolysis and Torrefaction of Pine Sawdust Using the Desirability Function and Genetic Algorithm

Learn more from Energy Enhancement 에너지 강화

Laser-driven proton acceleration from ultrathin foils with nanoholes

Ferromagnetic resonance study on the influence of the electrolytic bath acidity on the magnetic anisotropy of Ni nanowires

EECCRN: Energy Enhancement with CSS Approach Using Q-Learning and Coalition Game Modelling in CRN

ReForm: Static and Dynamic Resource-Aware DNN Reconfiguration Framework for Mobile Device

Three-dimensional microsupercapacitors based on interdigitated patterns of interconnected nanowire networks

Redox activity of selenocyanate anion in electrochemical capacitor application

Electron Injection for Direct Acceleration by A Gaussian Laser Field Under the Influence of Azimuth Magnetic Field

Systematic Low-Energy Enhancement of the Gamma-Ray Strength Function

Statistical neutron capture in the limit of low nuclear level density

Energy Efficiency Metrics for Safeguarding the Performance of Data Centre Communication Systems by Green Cloud Solutions

Assessing the forest-wood chain at local level: a Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) based on the circular bioeconomy principles.

Recent shell-model calculations of gamma-decay strength functions

Learn more from Energy Enhancement 에너지 강화

Energy Enhancement 에너지 강화

Energy Enhancement 에너지 강화
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