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Endoscopic Modified sentence examples within endoscopic modified lothrop

Resection of Ewing Sarcoma in the Paranasal Sinus Via the Endoscopic Modified Lothrop (Draf III) Approach

Free mucosal grafts and anterior pedicled flaps to prevent ostium restenosis after endoscopic modified Lothrop (frontal drillout) procedure: a randomized, controlled study.

Endoscopic Modified sentence examples within endoscopic modified medial

Endoscopic Modified Medial Maxillectomy for Inverted Papilloma of the Maxillary Sinus.

Treatment of Recalcitrant Maxillary Sinusitis With Endoscopic Modified Medial Maxillectomy: A Systematic Review of Safety and Efficacy

Endoscopic Modified sentence examples within endoscopic modified transpterygoid

Modified Transpterygoid Approach to Sphenoid Meningoencephaloceles: A Shorter Run for a Longer Slide

Simplifying Access to the Lateral Sphenoid Recess: A Modification of the Transpterygoid Approach.

Learn more from Endoscopic Modified 내시경 수정

Comparison of long-term outcome of two endoscopic transtympanic myringoplasty without tympanomeatal flap elevating for repairing large chronic perforations

Short-term patient-reported outcomes following concomitant hip arthroscopy and the endoscopic modified shelf procedure for the treatment of acetabular dysplasia and intra-articular pathology

Endoscopic modified perichondrium-cartilage sandwich graft for repairing chronic subtotal and total perforations.

ASO Author Reflections: A New Procedure for Modified Radical Neck Dissection via the Transoral Endoscopic Approach

Modified Transpterygoid Approach to Sphenoid Meningoencephaloceles: A Shorter Run for a Longer Slide

Simplifying Access to the Lateral Sphenoid Recess: A Modification of the Transpterygoid Approach.

Endoscopic Modified Medial Maxillectomy for Inverted Papilloma of the Maxillary Sinus.

Resection of Ewing Sarcoma in the Paranasal Sinus Via the Endoscopic Modified Lothrop (Draf III) Approach

More Endoscopic Modified 내시경 수정 sentence examples

[Nasal endoscopic modified mucosal flap technique for repair of congenital choanal atresia in newborns and infants].

Free mucosal grafts and anterior pedicled flaps to prevent ostium restenosis after endoscopic modified Lothrop (frontal drillout) procedure: a randomized, controlled study.

Draf IIB with superior septectomy: finding the “middle ground”

Treatment of Recalcitrant Maxillary Sinusitis With Endoscopic Modified Medial Maxillectomy: A Systematic Review of Safety and Efficacy

Free mucosal grafts and anterior pedicled flaps to prevent ostium restenosis after endoscopic modified Lothrop (frontal drillout) procedure: a randomized, controlled study

Application and outcomes of EMLP

Endoscopic endonasal transmaxillary ligation of a feeding artery and coblation plasma technology enables en bloc resection of advanced juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma without preoperative embolization.

The efficacy of diluted topical povidone-iodine rinses in the management of recalcitrant chronic rhinosinusitis: a prospective cohort study

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Endoscopic Modified 내시경 수정

Endoscopic Modified 내시경 수정
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