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?Cuales son los mecanismos de transmision que determinan a la tasa de interes neutral que sirve de referencia para establecer la postura de politica monetaria del Banco Central? Se analiza el papel de la tasa de desocupacion y la inflacion en la determinacion de la tasa de interes neutral.
?Cuales son los mecanismos de transmision que determinan a la tasa de interes neutral que sirve de referencia para establecer la postura de politica monetaria del Banco Central? Se analiza el papel de la tasa de desocupacion y la inflacion en la determinacion de la tasa de interes neutral.
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El punto de partida teórico es un recorrido sobre distintas concepciones del signo, hasta llegar al modelo ternario propuesto en «La semiosis social», de Eliseo Verón.
El punto de partida teórico es un recorrido sobre distintas concepciones del signo, hasta llegar al modelo ternario propuesto en «La semiosis social», de Eliseo Verón.
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Traven «Land of Spring» («Land des Fruhlings», 1928), the materials of which served to create the Indian imagery of the Kaoba-cycle, including the analyzed novel, are investigated.
Traven «Land of Spring» («Land des Fruhlings», 1928), the materials of which served to create the Indian imagery of the Kaoba-cycle, including the analyzed novel, are investigated.
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Bei einem Patienten können sehr selten unterschiedliche neutrophile Dermatosen gemeinsam auftreten, auch mit einer zeitlichen Latenz.
Bei einem Patienten können sehr selten unterschiedliche neutrophile Dermatosen gemeinsam auftreten, auch mit einer zeitlichen Latenz.
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The set consists of kinematic constraints, extruder’s maximum power constrain, maximum motor torque constraint for the extruder trouble-free operation, constraint on the stress rate of the shift between layers, constraint on product cooling time, and minimum melt viscosity constraint.
The set consists of kinematic constraints, extruder’s maximum power constrain, maximum motor torque constraint for the extruder trouble-free operation, constraint on the stress rate of the shift between layers, constraint on product cooling time, and minimum melt viscosity constraint.
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The zooplankton community structure, particularly with regard to rotifers and cladocerans, varied between lakes and seasons.
The zooplankton community structure, particularly with regard to rotifers and cladocerans, varied between lakes and seasons.
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Overall, the contributors all shared Calabresi’s attempt to restore the balance between Law and Economics and the need to better account for the “whole unanalysed experience of human race”, often neglected by the Economic Analysis of Law approach.
Overall, the contributors all shared Calabresi’s attempt to restore the balance between Law and Economics and the need to better account for the “whole unanalysed experience of human race”, often neglected by the Economic Analysis of Law approach.
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Finally, we derive the latency-bounded reliability via calculating the probabilities of hitting transient states and hitting absorbing states for the given latency constraint.
Finally, we derive the latency-bounded reliability via calculating the probabilities of hitting transient states and hitting absorbing states for the given latency constraint.
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Our results suggest that date accounts for most of the variation in the distribution of quail age classes, followed by the weather variables, and then latitude, and altitude.
Our results suggest that date accounts for most of the variation in the distribution of quail age classes, followed by the weather variables, and then latitude, and altitude.
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Our system automatically rectifies the manually‐specified polygons, infers the folded structures that should yield the user‐specified polygons with reference to the depth order of layered polygons, and generates a plausible 3D model while accounting for gaps between layers.
Our system automatically rectifies the manually‐specified polygons, infers the folded structures that should yield the user‐specified polygons with reference to the depth order of layered polygons, and generates a plausible 3D model while accounting for gaps between layers.
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Seven laboratories experienced in CPX administration with established quality control procedures contributed to the "Fitness Registry and the Importance of Exercise: A National Database" (FRIEND) from April 2014 through February 2019.
Seven laboratories experienced in CPX administration with established quality control procedures contributed to the "Fitness Registry and the Importance of Exercise: A National Database" (FRIEND) from April 2014 through February 2019.
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The paper aims to propose a new type of information-theoretic method to interpret the final results of multi-layered neural networks by compressing multi-layered neural networks into ones without hidden layers, keeping good generalization performance.
The paper aims to propose a new type of information-theoretic method to interpret the final results of multi-layered neural networks by compressing multi-layered neural networks into ones without hidden layers, keeping good generalization performance.
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The assay exhibited attractive traits in that it did not require the use of labeled primers or labeled probes, and thus, the technique could prevent undesired results arising from unwanted hybridization between labeled primers or between a probe and labeled primer.
The assay exhibited attractive traits in that it did not require the use of labeled primers or labeled probes, and thus, the technique could prevent undesired results arising from unwanted hybridization between labeled primers or between a probe and labeled primer.
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The dipole effect scales with PA surface coverage, and gives even larger shifts when multilayers are employed.
The dipole effect scales with PA surface coverage, and gives even larger shifts when multilayers are employed.
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Flow directions were defined as opposite, when large corrugation fillet radii ( rl ) located at the upstream or downstream.
Flow directions were defined as opposite, when large corrugation fillet radii ( rl ) located at the upstream or downstream.
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Azerbaycan’da Arap alfabesinden Latin alfabesine gecilmesi geregi uzerinden yapilan tartismalar, Turkiye’de de benzer bicimde yasanmis, alfabe degisikligi yapilmadan toplumun aydinlatilamayacagi, okuma yazma sorununun giderilemeyecegi, Arap alfabesinden Latin alfabesine gecilmesi halinde, diger Turk halklari ile olan iliskilerinin daha da guclenecegi ileri surulmustur.
Azerbaycan’da Arap alfabesinden Latin alfabesine gecilmesi geregi uzerinden yapilan tartismalar, Turkiye’de de benzer bicimde yasanmis, alfabe degisikligi yapilmadan toplumun aydinlatilamayacagi, okuma yazma sorununun giderilemeyecegi, Arap alfabesinden Latin alfabesine gecilmesi halinde, diger Turk halklari ile olan iliskilerinin daha da guclenecegi ileri surulmustur.
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Bilindigi gibi yabancilarin yazdigi Osmanli sahasini ilgilendiren Latin harfli metinler dil arastirmalari icin vazgecilmez kaynaklardir.
Bilindigi gibi yabancilarin yazdigi Osmanli sahasini ilgilendiren Latin harfli metinler dil arastirmalari icin vazgecilmez kaynaklardir.
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We also find that if the trickle-down character of the diffusion process is enhanced by a larger initial stimulus on the hubs (via a inhomogeneous linear term in the Bass model), the relative difference between the diffusion times for BA networks and uncorrelated networks is even larger, reaching for instance the 34% in a typical case on a network with $10^4$ nodes.
We also find that if the trickle-down character of the diffusion process is enhanced by a larger initial stimulus on the hubs (via a inhomogeneous linear term in the Bass model), the relative difference between the diffusion times for BA networks and uncorrelated networks is even larger, reaching for instance the 34% in a typical case on a network with $10^4$ nodes.
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The main aim of regularization is optimizing the weight of neural network, selecting the relevant features with active neurons at the input layer, and pruning of the network by selecting only active neurons at hidden layer while learning.
The main aim of regularization is optimizing the weight of neural network, selecting the relevant features with active neurons at the input layer, and pruning of the network by selecting only active neurons at hidden layer while learning.
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No significant differences in SBS values were found between laser and control group (p ˃ 0.
No significant differences in SBS values were found between laser and control group (p ˃ 0.
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The Ni/Al2O3 powder was then laser melted into tracks to investigate the effects of process parameters using a commercial selective laser melting (SLM) system.
The Ni/Al2O3 powder was then laser melted into tracks to investigate the effects of process parameters using a commercial selective laser melting (SLM) system.
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Insurance claims data are a potentially rich source of information about disease burden, but often lack the laboratory results necessary to define chronic HCV infection.
Insurance claims data are a potentially rich source of information about disease burden, but often lack the laboratory results necessary to define chronic HCV infection.
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In this paper, after referring to plenty of related books, we deeply studied the impact of stage lighting on the stage characters, and then lay the foundation for future research.
In this paper, after referring to plenty of related books, we deeply studied the impact of stage lighting on the stage characters, and then lay the foundation for future research.
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Growing evidence shows that continuous stochastic modeling (white noise-driven Langevin equation) of time series of complex systems should account for the presence of discontinuous jump components [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].
Growing evidence shows that continuous stochastic modeling (white noise-driven Langevin equation) of time series of complex systems should account for the presence of discontinuous jump components [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].
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PMI estimates based on fly larvae, however, can be inaccurate when larval development is retarded, or accelerated, by the nutritional composition of the cadaveric tissue.
PMI estimates based on fly larvae, however, can be inaccurate when larval development is retarded, or accelerated, by the nutritional composition of the cadaveric tissue.
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By visualizing the learnt features in the hidden layers of VSVAE, the biological plausibility of the model is discussed.
By visualizing the learnt features in the hidden layers of VSVAE, the biological plausibility of the model is discussed.
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Fifteen language consultants were interviewed residing in from the speech community using Cameroon Pidgin English and the data were transcribed and annotated in ELAN.
Fifteen language consultants were interviewed residing in from the speech community using Cameroon Pidgin English and the data were transcribed and annotated in ELAN.
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Pregnant women, particularly in rural areas, often lack the financial resources and means to access health facilities in a timely manner for quality antenatal, delivery, and post-natal services.
Pregnant women, particularly in rural areas, often lack the financial resources and means to access health facilities in a timely manner for quality antenatal, delivery, and post-natal services.
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In other words, non-native teachers are viewed as less superior in matters related to spoken language.
In other words, non-native teachers are viewed as less superior in matters related to spoken language.
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By applying the real-time photobleaching with green laser, the stable maximum output power of 1.
By applying the real-time photobleaching with green laser, the stable maximum output power of 1.
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In addition, I look into the heterogeneity of households without debt, a group that has been largely disregarded by the literature.
In addition, I look into the heterogeneity of households without debt, a group that has been largely disregarded by the literature.
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