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Psychological Factors of Youth Emigration Intentions: A Review of International Studies

Postgraduate career and emigration intentions: A cross-sectional study of house officers in a North Central, Nigerian Tertiary Hospital

State Scholarship Programs and Grants as a Factor of the Human Capital Development: Russian and Foreign Experience

“What Are You Really Doing in This Country?”: Emigration Intentions of Nigerian Doctors and Their Policy Implications for Human Resource for Health Management

Evaluation of the relationship between youth entrepreneurship and emigration intentions: theoretical-methodological aspects

Immigrants’ Intentions – Leaning Towards Remigration or Naturalization?

Education, Political Discontent, and Emigration Intentions: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Turkey

Financial Crisis and Brain Drain: An Investigation of the Emigration Intentions of Greek Scientists

Settlement or Mobility? Immigrants’ Re-migration Decision-Making Process in a High-Income Country Setting

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Emigration Intentions 이민 의도

Emigration Intentions 이민 의도
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