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Electric Arc sentence examples within furnace steel slag

Abrasion evolution of steel furnace slag aggregate for railway ballast: 3D morphology analysis of scanned particles by close-range photogrammetry

Fiber-reinforcement and its effects on the mechanical properties of high-workability concretes manufactured with slag as aggregate and binder

Electric Arc sentence examples within basic oxygen furnace

Effects of residual elements during the casting process of steel production: a critical review

Improving mechanical behavior and microstructure of concrete by using BOF steel slag aggregate

Electric Arc sentence examples within direct reduced iron

Toward environmentally friendly direct reduced iron production: A novel route of comprehensive utilization of blast furnace dust and electric arc furnace dust.

Low-carbon production of iron and steel: Technology options, economic assessment, and policy

Electric Arc sentence examples within granulated blast furnace

A review on alternative binders, admixtures and water for the production of sustainable concrete

Valorization of cement kiln dust in activation and production of hybrid geopolymer composites with durable characteristics

Electric Arc sentence examples within blast furnace slag

Effect of application of metallurgical slag powders on physical and rheological properties of asphalt

Sonochemical assisted preparation of ZnS–ZnO/MCM-41 based on blast furnace slag and electric arc furnace dust for Cr (VI) photoreduction

Electric Arc sentence examples within ladle furnace slag

Effect of electric arc and ladle furnace slags on the strength and swelling behavior of cement-stabilized expansive clay

Development of High Resistance Hot Mix Asphalt with Electric Arc Furnace Slag, Ladle Furnace Slag, and Cellulose Fibers from the Papermaking Industry

Electric Arc sentence examples within titanium slag smelting

Design and Construction of a Laboratory-Scale Direct-Current Electric Arc Furnace for Metallurgical and High-Titanium Slag Smelting Studies

Research on Utilization of Flue GasFromTitanium Slag Smelting in the Closed Electric Arc Furnace

Electric Arc sentence examples within Short Electric Arc

SEAM-ECM Jet Milling TC4 Titanium Alloy Using Gas-Liquid Mixed Medium

Experiment investigation on machining characteristics of 7075 aluminium alloy with short electric arc milling

Electric Arc sentence examples within Submerged Electric Arc

Плавка титаномагнетитовых металлизированных окатышей из руды Тебинбулакского месторождения в печи с погруженной электрической дугой

Simulation-based life cycle assessment of ferrochrome smelting technologies to determine environmental impacts

Electric Arc sentence examples within Dc Electric Arc

Experimental Study of the Impact of a DC Electric Arc Furnace on a Power Grid

Comparison of DC Electric Arc Furnace Chaotic Models for Power Quality Indices Assessment

Electric Arc sentence examples within An Electric Arc

Environmental assessment of warm mix asphalt incorporating steel slag and high reclaimed asphalt for wearing courses: a case study

Increase of capacity in electric arc-furnace steel mill factories by means of a demand-side management strategy and ampacity techniques

Electric Arc sentence examples within Automatic Electric Arc

Mathematical simulation of welded deposit layers as for adaptation of materials to failure in quasidissipative tribosystems


Electric Arc sentence examples within Scale Electric Arc

Synthesis and characterisation of alites from reduced basic oxygen furnace slags

Recovery of Co, Ni, Mn, and Li from Li-ion batteries by smelting reduction - Part II: A pilot-scale demonstration

Electric Arc sentence examples within Controlled Electric Arc

Tunable erbium doped fiber laser based on a spherical micro-ball lens as a Fabry–Perot interference filter

Electric discharge synthesis of nickel nanoparticles with virtual instrument control

Electric Arc sentence examples within Wire Electric Arc

Comparison of FeMnCrSi Cavitation Resistance Coatings Deposited by Twin-Wire Electric Arc and High-Velocity Oxy-Fuel Processes

Optimization of machining parameters in wire EDM of OFHC copper using Taguchi analysis

Electric Arc sentence examples within electric arc furnace


Effects of residual elements during the casting process of steel production: a critical review

Electric Arc sentence examples within electric arc discharge


Studies of initiation and quenching of extensive high-current discharges

Electric Arc sentence examples within electric arc welding

Influence of Different Welding Processes on Microstructure, Hardness, and Wear Behavior of Martensitic Hardfaced Cladding

Weld defects and automation of methods for their detection

Electric Arc sentence examples within electric arc plasma

Rectifilter for electric arc plasma plant

Plasma chemical synthesis of W-C-Co system nano-sized powders

Electric Arc sentence examples within electric arc surfacing

Resurfacing the exhaust valve by plasma spraying versus electric arc and gas flame methods

Mathematical simulation of welded deposit layers as for adaptation of materials to failure in quasidissipative tribosystems

Electric Arc sentence examples within electric arc spraying

Powder wires for resource-saving electric arc spraying

Corrosion Behavior of Arc-Sprayed Pore-Sealed Zn and Al Coatings in Seawater Containing Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria (SRB)

Electric Arc sentence examples within electric arc machining

SEAM-ECM Jet Milling TC4 Titanium Alloy Using Gas-Liquid Mixed Medium

Experimental study on short electric arc machining of Ti6Al4V in terms of power output characteristics

Electric Arc sentence examples within electric arc steel


The Effect of Arc Length on Heat Exchange and Electric Power Consumption in Electric Arc Steel-Making Furnaces (Eaf)

Electric Arc sentence examples within electric arc melting

Microstructure and Tensile Mechanical Behavior of a Single-Phase Fe35Mn10Cr20Ni35 High-Entropy Alloy

Triple-Phase Eutectic High-Entropy Alloy: Al10Co18Cr18Fe18Nb10Ni26

Electric Arc sentence examples within electric arc synthesi


Effects of Tin on the Morphological and Electrochemical Properties of Arc-Discharge Nanomaterials

Electric Arc sentence examples within electric arc model

Vacuum contactor operation with parallel connection of independent consumers

Parallel Computing of 2-D Bifurcation Diagrams in Circuits With Electric Arcs

Electric Arc sentence examples within electric arc technique

Arc-Induced Long-Period Fiber Gratings at INESC TEC. Part I: Fabrication, Characterization and Mechanisms of Formation

Simultaneous measurement of strain and temperature by inscribing a paired LPGs on a pre-tapered fiber

Electric Arc sentence examples within electric arc circuit

Two-Parameter 0-1 Test for Chaos and Sample Entropy Bifurcation Diagrams for Nonlinear Oscillating Systems

Computing Two-Parameter Bifurcation Diagrams for Oscillating Circuits and Systems

Electric Arc sentence examples within electric arc process

Power and welding speed influence on bead quality for overlapped joint laser welding

Special methods and devices for performance evaluation of mechanized equipment systems for electric arc welding and surfacing

Electric Arc sentence examples within electric arc method

Effect of the Method of Formation of Composite Ti–TiC Coatings on Their Composition, Microstructure, and Strength Properties