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Elderly Coronary sentence examples within elderly coronary heart

Side Effects of Coronary Stenting such as Severe Coronary Stenosis and Multiple Coronary Chronic Total Occlusions in Elderly Patients via Induced Proinflammatory and Prooxidative Stress

The feasibility study of stroke volume variability for evaluating ventilation-volume of one lung ventilation in patients with elderly coronary heart disease

Retrospective analysis of renal prognosis in elderly coronary artery disease patients complicated with renal insufficiency

Side Effects of Coronary Stenting such as Severe Coronary Stenosis and Multiple Coronary Chronic Total Occlusions in Elderly Patients via Induced Proinflammatory and Prooxidative Stress

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The feasibility study of stroke volume variability for evaluating ventilation-volume of one lung ventilation in patients with elderly coronary heart disease

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Application of intervention based on protection motivation theory in elderly patients with coronary heart disease

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Correlation between level of microalbuminuria and severity of coronary artery disease in coronary heart disease patients combined with diabetes

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Effect of Amiodarone combined with Atorvastatin on the treatment of elderly coronary heart disease with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation

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Effects of comprehensive geriatric assessment on health management outcomes in elderly patients with coronary heart disease

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