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Research on Innovative Teaching Mode of Art Education in the Age of Convergence of Media

An Efficient Real-Time Object Detection Framework on Resource-Constricted Hardware Devices via Software and Hardware Co-design

Efficient sensitivity orient blockchain encryption for improved data security in cloud

Multi‐slices navigation approach for unknown 3D environments using micro aerial vehicles

Utility Scale Battery as Capacity Source for Electric Grid Systems

Adaptive gait generation based on pose graph optimization for Lower-limb Rehabilitation Exoskeleton Robot

Performance Comparison of Alternating Direction Optimization Methods for Linear-OPF based Real-time Predictive Control

Multiple Ship Tracking in Remote Sensing Images Using Deep Learning

An Effective Real-Time Approach to Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) Using YOLOv3 and OCR

A magnetic surface-enhanced Raman scattering platform for performing successive breast cancer exosome isolation and analysis.

Pruning and Quantization for Deep Neural Network Acceleration: A Survey

EnSuRe: Energy & Accuracy Aware Fault-tolerant Scheduling on Real-time Heterogeneous Systems

VNet: a versatile network to train real-time semantic segmentation models on a single GPU

A Real-Time Effective Fusion-Based Image Defogging Architecture on FPGA

Power Converter Half-bridge Models in the Light of Real-time FPGA Implementation

Retraining prior state performances of anaerobic digestion improves prediction accuracy of methane yield in various machine learning models

Prediction of drilling leakage locations based on optimized neural networks and the standard random forest method

Energy Efficient Task Scheduling for Real-Time Embedded Systems in a Fuzzy Uncertain Environment

HERTI: A Reinforcement Learning-Augmented System for Efficient Real-Time Inference on Heterogeneous Embedded Systems

A real-time approach of diagnosing rice leaf disease using deep learning-based faster R-CNN framework

A Real-Time Fault Diagnosis for Neutral-Point-Clamped Inverters Based on Failure-Mode Algorithm

Semi-Supervised Spatiotemporal Deep Learning for Intrusions Detection in IoT Networks

Software-Defined Vehicular Networks (SDVN) for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

Simulation of fixed versus on-demand station-based feeder operations

Real-time video dehazing via incremental transmission learning and spatial-temporally coherent regularization

Real-time reliable clustering and secure transmission scheme for QoS development in MANET

Experience: a five-year retrospective of MobileInsight

Towards Safe Human-Quadrotor Interaction: Mixed-Initiative Control via Real-Time NMPC

State Estimation of an Underwater Markov Chain Maneuvering Target Using Intelligent Computing

Tracking Control Using Recurrent-Neural-Network-Based Inversion Model: A Case Study on a Piezo Actuator

Advanced Completion Optimization ACO: A Comprehensive Workflow for Flow Control Devices

Densely Connected Multi-Stage Model with Channel Wise Subband Feature for Real-Time Speech Enhancement

Real-time oblivious erasure correction with linear time decoding and constant feedback

A Room Compensation Method by Modification of Reverberant Audio Objects

Architecture and Architectural Patterns for Mobile Augmented Reality

Hidden Enemy Visualization using Fast Panoptic Segmentation on Battlefields

Efficient detection of myocardial infarction from single lead ECG signal

Motion-Variational Recurrent Neural Network for Character Garment Simulation

Performance Modeling Analysis of D-MSMR-CARQ with Relay Selection in Wireless Sensor Networks

An integrated flexible multifunctional wearable electronic device for personal health monitoring and thermal management

Efficient Rain Simulation based on Constrained View Frustum

Editorial: The Impact of Open Science for Evaluation of Volcanic Hazards

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Ultra-fast Machine Learning Classifier Execution on IoT Devices without SRAM Consumption

Medication-related adverse events in health care-what have we learned? A narrative overview of the current knowledge.

Deep Learning for Safe Autonomous Driving: Current Challenges and Future Directions

Development of a Real-Time Objective Gas–Liquid Flow Regime Identifier Using Kernel Methods

Research and application of visualization technology for massive land spatial data based on vector tiles

Au nanoparticle-hydrogel nanozyme-based colorimetric detection for on-site monitoring of mercury in river water

Optimized Multi-Core Parallel Tracking for Big Data Streaming Applications

A New Low-Cost Acoustic Beamforming Architecture for Real-Time Marine Sensing: Evaluation and Design

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Efficient Real Time 효율적인 실시간

Efficient Real Time 효율적인 실시간
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