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Efficient Projection sentence examples within Pareto Efficient Projection

Slacks-based measures of efficiency and super-efficiency in presence of nonpositive data

A modified slacks-based super-efficiency measure in the presence of negative data

Efficient Projection sentence examples within efficient projection algorithm

Distributed range-free localization via hierarchical nonconvex constrained optimization

A posteriori error estimates of hp spectral element methods for integral state constrained elliptic optimal control problems

Efficient Projection sentence examples within efficient projection onto

Efficient projection onto the intersection of a half-space and a box-like set and its generalized Jacobian

Efficient projection onto a low-dimensional ball

Learn more from Efficient Projection 효율적인 프로젝션

An efficient nonlinear reduced-order modeling approach for rapid aerodynamic analysis with OpenFOAM

Nonlinear analysis of structures made of no-tension/compression materials using an efficient projection-contraction algorithm

Reconstruction of Projected and 3D Magnetization Distributions from Electron-Optical Phase Images using an Iterative Model-Based Algorithm

A Taxonomy and Review of the Network Data Envelopment Analysis Literature

ProUM: High Utility Sequential Pattern Mining

Learn more from Efficient Projection 효율적인 프로젝션

Efficient Projection 효율적인 프로젝션

Efficient Projection 효율적인 프로젝션
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