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Efficient Object sentence examples within convolutional neural network

TIRNet: Object detection in thermal infrared images for autonomous driving

Binarized Depthwise Separable Neural Network for Object Tracking in FPGA

Efficient Object sentence examples within Computationally Efficient Object

An Adaptive Tracking Algorithm for Convection in Simulated and Remote Sensing Data

Bin-Picking using Model-Free Visual Heuristics and Grasp-Constrained Imaging

Efficient Object sentence examples within Present Efficient Object

Object Detection and Classification for Autonomous Vehicle

Many-Tier Vertical Gate-All-Around Nanowire FET Standard Cell Synthesis for Advanced Technology Nodes

Learn more from Efficient Object 효율적인 개체

Efficient Object sentence examples within efficient object detection

An Approach on Image Processing of Deep Learning Based on Improved SSD

Toward Efficient Object Detection in Aerial Images Using Extreme Scale Metric Learning

Efficient Object sentence examples within efficient object tracking

An Adaptive Tracking Algorithm for Convection in Simulated and Remote Sensing Data

Visual tracking using convolutional features with sparse coding

Efficient Object sentence examples within efficient object recognition

Temporal Pulses Driven Spiking Neural Network for Time and Power Efficient Object Recognition in Autonomous Driving

Improved object recognition results using SIFT and ORB feature detector

Efficient Object sentence examples within efficient object segmentation

Superpixel-based object boundary gimmicking using optimized conditional random fields with random associations

Recognition of vision-based activities of daily living using linear predictive coding of histogram of directional derivative

Enhanced Binary Cuckoo Search With Frequent Values and Rough Set Theory for Feature Selection

A Framework for Pruning Deep Neural Networks Using Energy-Based Models

ELITE: An Elaborated Cross-Layer RPL Objective Function to Achieve Energy Efficiency in Internet-of-Things Devices

Superpixel-Based Quality Assessment of Multi-Exposure Image Fusion for Both Static and Dynamic Scenes

Learning Fine-Grained Semantics in Spoken Language Using Visual Grounding

Automatic mesh-free boundary analysis: Multi-objective optimization

An efficient identification approach for highly complex non-linear systems using the evolutionary computing method based Kalman filter

MTFH: A Matrix Tri-Factorization Hashing Framework for Efficient Cross-Modal Retrieval

Altered Spatial and Temporal Gait Parameters in Mice Infected with Ross River Virus

Design of an Efficient RPL Objective Function for Internet of Things Applications

Optimization and assessment of brake pad production parameters and organic Juniperus drupacea cone powder additive ratio using the Taguchi method

Quality Assessment of End-to-End Learned Image Compression: The Benchmark and Objective Measure

Supervised discriminative dimensionality reduction by learning multiple transformation operators

Multimodal Generative Learning Utilizing Jensen-Shannon-Divergence

Progress in Human-Robot Collaboration for Object Handover

Electroencephalogram (EEG) for Delineating Objective Measure of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) (Extended Version)

MTFH: A Matrix Tri-Factorization Hashing Framework for Efficient Cross-Modal Retrieval

Challenging the abstraction penalty in parallel patterns libraries

Comparative assessment of GPGPU technologies to accelerate objective functions: A case study on parsimony

Application of non-animal–inspired evolutionary algorithms to reservoir operation: an overview

Reducing pollutant emissions in a waste collection vehicle routing problem using a variable neighborhood tabu search algorithm: a case study

Model transferring for unsupervised object localization

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Efficient Object 효율적인 개체

Efficient Object 효율적인 개체
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