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Effective Coastal sentence examples within Ensure Effective Coastal

Coastal land use planning in Ben Tre, Vietnam: constraints and recommendations

Summer Seasonal Sea-level Rise and Associated Potential Storm Surge Vulnerability of the West Coast of Korea

Effective Coastal sentence examples within effective coastal management

An Investigation into Ground Movement on the Ventnor Landslide Complex, UK Using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry

Social and recreational value of waves: application of the Zonal Travel Cost Method with surfers from Icaraí beach (Caucaia, Ceará, Brazil)

Effective Coastal sentence examples within effective coastal zone

COVID-19 Impacts on Beaches and Coastal Water Pollution at Selected Sites in Ecuador, and Management Proposals Post-pandemic

An Integrated Field Data and Remote Sensing Approach for Impact Assessment of Human Activities on Macro-benthos Biodiversity Along Western Coast of Aqaba Gulf

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Effective Coastal sentence examples within effective coastal defense

Impact of Management Regime and Regime Change on Gravel Barrier Response to a Major Storm Surge

Large-scale variation in wave attenuation of oyster reef living shorelines and the influence of inundation duration.

Unravelling Persistent Problems to Transformative Marine Governance

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Effective Coastal 효과적인 해안

Effective Coastal 효과적인 해안
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