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Dynamic Arm sentence examples within dynamic arm support

Feasibility and effectiveness of a novel dynamic arm support in persons with spinal muscular atrophy and duchenne muscular dystrophy

Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of an optimized process of providing assistive technology for impaired upper extremity function: Protocol of a prospective, quasi-experimental non-randomized study (OMARM)

Doggybones, DNA vaccines and skin-penetrating fluids: whatever it takes to win the fight against cancer

Semicoordinated allelic-bursting shape dynamic random monoallelic expression in pregastrulation embryos

Magnetic Resonance-Compatible Arm-Crank Ergometry: A New Platform Linking Whole-Body Calorimetry to Upper-Extremity Biomechanics and Arm Muscle Metabolism

The Impact of Exchange Rates on French Wine Exports

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Machine learning approach for robot diagnostic system

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Dynamic Arm 다이나믹 암

Dynamic Arm 다이나믹 암
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