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Drinking Behaviours sentence examples within Binge Drinking Behaviours

Investigating mediators and moderators of the alcohol priming effect

Psychological correlates and binge drinking behaviours among Canadian youth: a cross-sectional analysis of the mental health pilot data from the COMPASS study

Drinking Behaviours sentence examples within drinking behaviours among

Trends in the co-use of alcohol and tobacco among Japanese adolescents: periodical nationwide cross-sectional surveys 1996–2017

Investigating mediators and moderators of the alcohol priming effect

Postpartum heavy episodic drinking: A survey to inform development of a text messaging intervention.

Impact of COVID-19 restrictions on alcohol consumption behaviours

Zero-alcohol beverages: Harm-minimisation tool or gateway drink?

Trends in alcohol intoxication among native and immigrant youth in Sweden, 1999-2017: A comparison across family structure and parental employment status.

Intraindividual association between shift work and risk of drinking problems: data from the Finnish Public Sector Cohort

The longitudinal associations between trajectory of and quantity of alcohol consumption and subsequent changes in blood pressure levels among non-hypertensive adults

Characterising patterns of alcohol use among heavy drinkers: A cluster analysis utilising alcohol biosensor data.

Barriers and Facilitators of Alcohol Abstinence During Pregnancy - a Qualitative Study in Rural South Africa

Association between alcohol consumption in midlife and cognitive function in old age: Findings from the China health and Nutrition Survey.

The impact of the Arts and Dementia Program on short-term well-being in older persons with dementia from Singapore.

Hormonal regulation of thirst in the amphibious ray-finned fish suggests the requirement for terrestrialization during evolution

Underage drinking as a natural part of growing up: A UK study of parental beliefs

The Role of Sex and Age on Pre-drinking: An Exploratory International Comparison of 27 Countries.

How should we talk about alcohol and risk?

Ethyl Glucuronide as a Long-term Alcohol Biomarker in Fingernail and Hair. Matrix Comparison and Evaluation of Gender Bias.

Drinking abstinence during a 3-month abstinence campaign in Thailand: weighted analysis of a national representative survey

Sociodemographics, lifestyle factors and health status indicators associated with alcohol consumption and related behaviours: a Brazilian population-based analysis.

Experimental and observational studies on alcohol use and dietary intake: a systematic review

Drinking behaviours and alcohol preferences of female and male students at a Polish university in 2000–2016

Orexin/hypocretin receptor, Orx1, gene variants are associated with major depressive disorder

Learn more from Drinking Behaviours 음주 습관

Drinking Behaviours 음주 습관

Drinking Behaviours 음주 습관
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