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Drink Products sentence examples within Energy Drink Products

The Impact of Willingness to Engage in NeWOM and Brand Attitudes on Purchase Intention Mediated by Company Mitigation Responses: A Case Study of The Energy Drink in Central Java

Caffeinated energy drinks: adverse event reports to the US Food and Drug Administration and the National Poison Data System, 2008 to 2015.

Drink Products sentence examples within Soft Drink Products

The use of commercial food purchase data for public health nutrition research: A systematic review

Peramalan Permintaan Toza Juice Strawberry Sebagai Dasar Penentuan Kebutuhan Persediaan Bahan Baku

Drink Products sentence examples within Coffee Drink Products

Consumer Attitudes and Purchasing Interests of Coffee Shop which Implement Green Marketing and Non-Green Marketing in Malang, Indonesia

Formulasi Minuman Kopi Probiotik dengan Kultur Starter Lactobacillus acidhopillus sebagai Minuman Fungsional

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Drink Products sentence examples within Herbal Drink Products

Pemanfaatan Daun Kelor Sebagai Minuman Herbal Dalam Rangka Mencegah Penyebaran Covid-19

Analisis City Branding Kabupaten Sukoharjo Sebagai Kota Jamu: Pendekatan Persepsi Brand Box Model

The case for developing a cohesive systems approach to research across unhealthy commodity industries

Using design expert d-optimal for formula optimization of functional drink that enriched with moringa leaf extract (Moringa oleifera)

What Do Secondary Schools Need to Create Healthier Canteens? The Development of an Implementation Plan

Modification of whey protein microgel particles with mono- oligo- and polysaccharides through the Maillard reaction: Effects on structural and techno-functional properties

Electroanalytical Overview: Electrochemical Sensing Platforms for Food and Drink Safety

Contribution of ultra-processed foods in visceral fat deposition and other adiposity indicators: Prospective analysis nested in the PREDIMED-Plus trial.

What Is the Relationship between the Presence of Volatile Organic Compounds in Food and Drink Products and Multisensory Flavour Perception?

Food and drink marketing on social media and dietary intake in Australian adolescents: Findings from a cross-sectional survey

Assessing the Effectiveness of Front of Pack Labels: Findings from an Online Randomised-Controlled Experiment in a Representative British Sample

Fear of COVID-19 Contagion: The Idiosyncratic Effects of an Aggregate Pandemic Shock

The Physical Stability of Plant-based Drinks and The Analysis Methods Thereof

Association between ultra-processed food consumption and the nutrient profile of the Colombian diet in 2005.

Public health and the ultra-processed food and drink products industry: corporate political activity of major transnationals in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Food Imagery and Transparency in Product Packaging

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Konjac (Amorphophallus konjac)

Weak Acid Sensitive A, a novel transcription factor required for regulation of weak-acid resistance and spore-spore heterogeneity in Aspergillus niger

Public health nutrition in the UK

Evaluasi Kebijakan Perlindungan Konsumen Produk Makanan dan Minuman terhadap Zat Pewarna Terlarang di Kabupaten Probolinggo

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