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Automatic coding of environmental distance for walking-related locomotion in the foot-related sensory-motor system: A TMS study on macro-affordances

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Multi Sensor Image Fusion Using Stationary Wavelet Transform and Feature Extraction from Gabor Filter and GLCM Texture

High-resolution international LOFAR observations of 4C 43.15. Spectral ages and injection indices in a high-z radio galaxy

Dynamic imaging of distant objects with ptychographical intensity interferometry

Achievements of Space Astrometry

Magnifying Grains of Sand, Seeds, and Blades of Grass: Optical Effects in Robert Grosseteste’s De iride (On the Rainbow) (circa 1228–1230)

Real-Time Vehicle Object Detection Method Based on Multi-Scale Feature Fusion

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Visibility Restoration in Infra-Red Images

Perceiving at a distance: enaction, exteriority and possibility – a tribute to John Stewart

Zooming into the Collimation Zone in a Massive Protostellar Jet

Motion parallax for object localization in electric fields.

Unusual decrease of the cosmic ray intensity in May 2019 on the background of the minima solar activity

Distinct neuron phenotypes may serve object feature sensing in the electrosensory lobe of Gymnotus omarorum.

Slowing time cosmology with initial violetshift and three types of redshift

Image sharpening on 3D intensity data in deep turbulence with scintillated illumination

Analysis of Mission Opportunities to Sedna in 2029-2034

Seeing Through Photographs: Photography as a Transparent Visual Medium

Mechanosensation Mediates Long-Range Spatial Decision-Making in an Aneural Organism.

AGO-Net: Association-Guided 3D Point Cloud Object Detection Network.

The Gamma-ray Window to Intergalactic Magnetism

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Connected BIM Models Towards Industry 4.0

Foveal shape, ultrastructure and photoreceptor composition in yellow-legged gull, Larus michahellis (Naumann, 1840)

deeplenstronomy: A dataset simulation package for strong gravitational lensing

Real-time fast fog removal approach for assisting drivers during dense fog on hilly roads

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The concept of an automatic system for preliminary entry of hazardous facility into emergency mode with an approaching earthquake

Optical design and intensity interferometry simulations in support of the Kilometer Space Telescope.


Hubungan Aktivitas Luar Ruangan dengan Miopia Mahasiswa Kedokteran Angkatan 2019 Universitas Andalas

Pseudomyopia with paradoxical accommodation: a case report

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Development of Pneumatic Artificial Muscles and an Anthropomorphic Gripper Control Module

A sensing device for color immediate detection of medium-distant objects on the horizon

Coupled micro-Doppler signatures of closely located targets

Efficient light emission and beam forming in Si photonic crystal beam steering device and its phased array configuration

When Occurring Conditions for the Emergence of Life and a Constant Growth, Rotation and its Effects, Cyclones, Light and Redshift in Images

Determination of the Location and Magnetic Moment of Ferromagnetic Objects Based on the Analysis of Magnetovision Measurements

Charting nearby dust clouds using Gaia data only

Indium Phosphide Photonic Integrated Circuit Transceiver for FMCW LiDAR

Analytic model for optimizing a long-range, pulsed LiDAR scanner for small object detection.

Cooperative control of dual-arm robots in different human-robot collaborative tasks

Drones Chasing Drones: Reinforcement Learning and Deep Search Area Proposal

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Adaptive auxiliary input extraction based on vanishing point detection for distant object detection in high-resolution railway scene

Zoom to Learn, Learn to Zoom

Camera internal parameter calibration based on rotating platform and image matching

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An Evaluation Standard and Loss Function Applied to the Semantic Segmentation of Large Depth of Field Pictures

Critical Casimir interaction between colloidal Janus-type particles in two spatial dimensions

Spatiotemporal detection of maritime targets using neural networks

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GG Interaction: a gaze–grasp pose interaction for 3D virtual object selection

On the geometry of visual starbursts.

Equipment complex and method for aiming laser beams at specified target points

Synchronic and Diachronic Labor: Deconstructing Eladio Dieste’s Ruled Surfaces

Segregation of Unknown Odors From Mixtures Based on Stimulus Onset Asynchrony in Honey Bees

Non dark hyperbolic universe

Satellite Image Clustering

Distant monitoring of entangled macro-objects

The Universe at extreme magnification

Passive Optical Monitoring of Wind Conditions and Indication of Aircraft Wakes Near Airport Runways

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Relative and Absolute Time

Clustering of Local Group distances: publication bias or correlated measurements? VI. Extending to Virgo cluster distances.

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Image Detail Enhancement via Constant-Time Unsharp Masking

Portal-ble: Intuitive Free-hand Manipulation in Unbounded Smartphone-based Augmented Reality

A Machian wave effect in conformal, scalar–tensor gravitational theory

Real-time image restoration for space-object imaging.

Fast Online Coordinate Correction of a Multi-Sensor for Object Identification in Autonomous Vehicles

Odor-background segregation of unknown odorants based on stimulus onset asynchrony in honey bees

Participatory sensing-based geospatial localization of distant objects for disaster preparedness in urban built environments

Galaxies with Polar Structures at z > 0.1

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Distant Object 먼 물체

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