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Defects Filled sentence examples within cells scaffold group

Bone regeneration in Ds-Red pig calvarial defect using allogenic transplantation of EGFP-pMSCs – a comparison of host cells and seeding cells in the scaffold

Bone regeneration in Ds-Red pig calvarial defect using allogenic transplantation of EGFP-pMSCs – A comparison of host cells and seeding cells in the scaffold

Defects Filled sentence examples within Bone Defects Filled

Performance of Nano-Hydroxyapatite/Beta-Tricalcium Phosphate and Xenogenic Hydroxyapatite on Bone Regeneration in Rat Calvarial Defects: Histomorphometric, Immunohistochemical and Ultrastructural Analysis

Effect of Cerium-Containing Hydroxyapatite in Bone Repair in Female Rats with Osteoporosis Induced by Ovariectomy

Growth dynamics of faceted Al13Fe4 intermetallic revealed by high-speed synchrotron X-ray quantification

More Defects Filled 채워진 결함 sentence examples

4: Bone Tissue Engineering in the Growing Skull: A Short-term Study Using Dipyridamole-loaded 3D-printed Beta-tricalcium Phosphate Scaffolds to Repair Critically Sized Calvarial Defects in a Translational Animal Model

Photobiomodulation Therapy on the Guided Bone Regeneration Process in Defects Filled by Biphasic Calcium Phosphate Associated with Fibrin Biopolymer

In Vivo Biological Behavior of Polymer Scaffolds of Natural Origin in the Bone Repair Process

Osteoformation potential of an allogenic partially demineralized bone matrix in critical-size defects in the rat calvarium.

Bone regeneration in rabbit calvarial critical-sized defects filled with composite in situ formed xenogenic dentin and biphasic tricalcium phosphate/hyroxyapatite mixture.

Morphometric evaluation of bone regeneration in segmental mandibular bone defects filled with bovine bone xenografts in a split-mouth rabbit model

A biomimetic self-assembling peptide promotes bone regeneration in vivo: A rat cranial defect study.

Evaluation of effectiveness of 45S5 bioglass doped with niobium for repairing critical-sized bone defect in in vitro and in vivo models.

More Defects Filled 채워진 결함 sentence examples

Simvastatin Loaded Nano Hydroxyapatite in Bone Regeneration: A Study in the Rabbit Femoral Condyle.

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Defects Filled 채워진 결함

Defects Filled 채워진 결함
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