Deep Biosphere(깊은 생물권)란 무엇입니까?
Deep Biosphere 깊은 생물권 - in the deep biosphere. [1] Here, we also propose a series of questions for further investigation and called for more attention on metabolic responses to high temperature and HHP; this could provide a direct bridge between geochemistry and ecology, help us to understand the microbial functions in the deep biosphere and allow us to estimate the boundaries of life and habitats. [2] Radiolysis thus produces redox energy to support a deep biosphere in groundwaters isolated from surface substrate input for millions to billions of years on Earth. [3] Although abiogenic reduction of Se oxyanions cannot be ruled out, the nuggets plausibly record Se-supported microbial activity in the deep biosphere. [4] However, to what extent the deep biosphere was able to recover from the impact required further investigation. [5] Having future access to scientific core records will give new insights into (1) the mechanical understanding of intermittent and incipient basin dynamics in an initial extensive continental rift basin: from rifting towards the development of passive margins, (2) East African climatic changes and Hominin evolution, (3) the limits of the deep biosphere in extreme hypersaline and high-temperature environments below the salt deposits, (4) natural fluid flow in an active geothermal system, and (5) monitoring of active faults, earthquakes and volcanic events in remote areas. [6] In this perspective, we delineate next-generation biotechnologies for CCSU supported by engineering design principles derived from ecological processes inspired by three major biomes (plant-soil, deep biosphere, and marine). [7] — Hydrogen is a key energy-yielding substrate for microbial processes in the deep biosphere. [8] High temperature reservoirs offer a window into the microbial life of the deep biosphere. [9] The sediment cores were taken during International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 370 (Temperature Limit of the Deep Biosphere off Muroto), which aimed at exploring the prerequisites and limits of deep microbial life [1]. [10] Necrotic microbial biomarkers reflect the microbial biomass during time of deposition and are not suitable to trace the deep biosphere at the Hartousov site. [11] They report on the microbiology of places/processes including low-temperature environments and chemically diverse saline- and hypersaline habitats; aspects of sulphur metabolism in dysoxic marine waters; thermal acidic springs; biology of extremophile viruses; the survival of terrestrial extremophiles on the surface of Mars; rock-associated microbes and biological soils crusts of deserts; the deep biosphere; and interactions of microbes with igneous and sedimentary rocks. [12] The search for a fossil record of Earth's deep biosphere, partly motivated by potential analogies with subsurface habitats on Mars, has uncovered numerous assemblages of inorganic microfilaments and tubules inside ancient pores and fractures. [13] Energy/power availability is regarded as one of the ultimate controlling factors of microbial abundance in the deep biosphere, where fewer cells are found in habitats of lower energy availability. [14] We first tested shotgun high throughput sequencing which leads to metagenomes dominated by bacterial DNA of the deep biosphere, while only a small fraction was derived from eukaryotic, and thus probably ancient, DNA. [15] However, how exogenous microbes facilitate crude oil recovery in this deep biosphere, especially under mesophilic conditions, is scarcely investigated. [16] These soda lakes form a unique aquatic environment in Pantanal and nascent research on their geomicrobiology suggests that their biota may be analogous to early life, and extreme life in Earth's deep biosphere. [17] In this study, in order to stimulate the DIET-associated methanogenic process at deep biosphere-aquifer systems in a natural gas field, we operated a bioelectrochemical system (BES) to apply voltage between an anode and a cathode. [18] Archaea and Bacteria that inhabit the deep subsurface (known as the deep biosphere) play a prevalent role in the recycling of sedimentary organic carbon. [19] SIGNIFICANCE A large section of microbial life resides in the deep subsurface, but an organized effort to explore this deep biosphere has only recently begun. [20] However, compared to the exploration of the deep biosphere, endolithic niches in shallow sedimentary bedrock have received little interest so far. [21] The deep biosphere is often characterized by multiple extreme physical–chemical conditions, of which pressure is an important parameter that influences life but remains less studied. [22] Additionally, we show that current phylotypes of the deep biosphere, such as Acetothermia bacteria are present within the obtained fluid inclusions sequences, which would support seeding of the deep biosphere from the water column. [23] With the discovery of a deep inverse SMTZ in an intra-oceanic plate setting and the blocking of upward methane diffusion by sulfate released from authigenic barite dissolution, Site U1417 provides new insights into sub-seafloor pore-fluid and gas dynamics, and their implications for global element cycling and the deep biosphere. [24] Marine microbes are capable of degrading hydrocarbons; however, those inhabiting the deep biosphere (>1000 m) remain largely unexplored. [25] As an essential part of the marine environment, the abyssal ocean has extensive material and energy exchanges with the upper ocean and the deep biosphere, and they constitute an integral whole of the marine ecosystem. [26] Despite being separated from the photosynthesis-driven surface by both distance and time, the deep biosphere is an important driver for the earth’s carbon and energy cycles. [27] Our results provide insights into a metabolic relationship that could sustain part of the deep biosphere and lend support to the iron−sulfur-world theory that postulated FeS transformation to FeS2 as a key energy-delivering reaction for life to emerge. [28] If carbon isotopes are preserved in diagenetic carbonates, they may provide a powerful biosignature for the conditions in the deep biosphere, specifically in proximity to the sulphate–methane transition zone. [29] Sulphur-oxidising autotrophic bacterial communities in deep biosphere from weathered ore samples from active gold mine Hodruša-Hámre, Slovakia were analysed using cultivation approach followed by DNA extraction, PCR amplification and 16S rRNA gene analyses. [30] This difference is great enough to have a significant impact on properties dependent on pore surface area, including oil production and capacity for microbial colonization in the deep biosphere. [31] (2017) observed, on a natural sedimentary series, that sediment temperatures around 30 °C could activate the SOM, otherwise refractory, fueling the deep biosphere. [32] These results indicate that activation and adaptive growth of 2-km-deep microbes was successfully accomplished using a continuous-flow bioreactor, which lays the groundwork to explore networks of microbial communities of the deep biosphere and their physiologies. [33] This process has the potential to sustain microbial life in the deep biosphere. [34] The majority of the Earth’s microbial biomass exists in the Deep Biosphere, in the deep ocean and within the Earth’s crust. [35] 16 This paper explores the possibility of existence of ultra-deep biosphere (deeper than 17 10 km under the surface) and the biogenic earthquake hypothesis – the idea that sub18 surface microorganisms might be directly related to earthquake activity. [36] Furthermore, under certain circumstances, complex brines can establish a hard limit to microbial replication in the deep biosphere, highlighting the potential for subsurface uninhabitable aqueous environments at depths far shallower than a geothermally-defined limit to life. [37] Those sediments were analyzed to document the behavior of As in relation to methane hydrate formation and the deep biosphere. [38] In the past few years, surface drillings have expanded our perspective of the Earth’s deep biosphere from the terrestrial and oceanic realms to include deep dark subterranean and subseafloor environments. [39] Our findings can be used to improve models of past glacial, eustatic, tectonic, and geomorphic processes on continental shelves and provide insight into shelf geochemistry, biogeochemical cycles, and the deep biosphere. [40]깊은 생물권에서. [1] 여기에서 우리는 또한 추가 조사를 위해 일련의 질문을 제안하고 고온 및 HHP에 대한 대사 반응에 더 많은 관심을 촉구했습니다. 이것은 지구화학과 생태학 사이에 직접적인 다리를 제공하고 깊은 생물권의 미생물 기능을 이해하는 데 도움이 되며 생명체와 서식지의 경계를 추정할 수 있게 해줍니다. [2] 따라서 방사선 분해는 수백만 년에서 수십억 년 동안 지표 기질로부터 격리된 지하수의 깊은 생물권을 지원하기 위해 산화 환원 에너지를 생성합니다. [3] Se 산소음이온의 비생물학적 환원을 배제할 수는 없지만, 너겟은 깊은 생물권에서 Se가 지원하는 미생물 활동을 그럴듯하게 기록합니다. [4] 그러나 깊은 생물권이 그 영향으로부터 어느 정도 회복할 수 있었는지에 대해서는 추가 조사가 필요했습니다. [5] 과학적 핵심 기록에 대한 미래의 접근은 (1) 초기 광범한 대륙 균열 분지의 간헐적 및 초기 분지 역학에 대한 기계적 이해: 단층에서 수동적 변연의 발달로, (2) 동아프리카 기후 변화 및 호미닌에 대한 새로운 통찰력을 제공할 것입니다. 진화, (3) 염분 퇴적물 아래의 극도의 염도 및 고온 환경에서 깊은 생물권의 한계, (4) 활성 지열 시스템의 자연 유체 흐름, (5) 활성 단층, 지진 및 화산 활동 모니터링 원격 지역. [6] 이러한 관점에서 우리는 세 가지 주요 생물 군계(식물-토양, 심층 생물권 및 해양)에서 영감을 받은 생태 프로세스에서 파생된 엔지니어링 설계 원칙에 의해 지원되는 CCSU의 차세대 생명 공학을 설명합니다. [7] — 수소는 깊은 생물권에서 미생물 과정을 위한 핵심 에너지 생성 기질입니다. [8] 고온 저장소는 깊은 생물권의 미생물 생활에 대한 창을 제공합니다. [9] 퇴적물 코어는 심층 미생물 생물의 전제 조건과 한계를 탐구하는 것을 목표로 하는 국제 해양 발견 프로그램(IODP) 탐험 370(무로토 근해의 심층 생물권의 온도 한계) 동안 채취되었습니다[1]. [10] 괴사 미생물 바이오마커는 퇴적 시간 동안 미생물 바이오매스를 반영하며 Hartousov 사이트에서 깊은 생물권을 추적하는 데 적합하지 않습니다. [11] 그들은 저온 환경과 화학적으로 다양한 염분 및 고염분 서식지를 포함한 장소/과정의 미생물학에 대해 보고합니다. 이산소증 해양수에서의 황 대사 측면; 열산성 온천; 극한성 바이러스의 생물학; 화성 표면에서 지구 극한 생물체의 생존; 암석 관련 미생물 및 생물학적 토양 사막의 지각; 깊은 생물권; 화성암 및 퇴적암과 미생물의 상호 작용. [12] 화성의 지하 서식지와의 잠재적인 유추에 부분적으로 동기를 부여받은 지구의 깊은 생물권의 화석 기록에 대한 탐색은 고대의 구멍과 균열 내부에 있는 수많은 무기 미세 필라멘트와 세관의 집합체를 발견했습니다. [13] 에너지/전력 가용성은 에너지 가용성이 낮은 서식지에서 더 적은 수의 세포가 발견되는 심층 생물권에서 미생물 풍부도의 궁극적인 제어 요인 중 하나로 간주됩니다. [14] 우리는 먼저 깊은 생물권의 박테리아 DNA가 지배하는 메타게놈으로 이어지는 산탄총 고처리량 시퀀싱을 테스트했으며, 진핵생물, 따라서 아마도 고대 DNA에서 작은 부분만 파생되었습니다. [15] 그러나 외인성 미생물이 특히 중온성 조건에서 이 깊은 생물권에서 원유 회수를 촉진하는 방법은 거의 조사되지 않았습니다. [16] nan [17] nan [18] nan [19] nan [20] nan [21] nan [22] nan [23] nan [24] nan [25] nan [26] nan [27] nan [28] nan [29] nan [30] nan [31] nan [32] nan [33] nan [34] nan [35] nan [36] nan [37] nan [38] nan [39] nan [40]