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Deaf Community sentence examples within sign language recognition

Assessing the Need for a Wearable Sign Language Recognition Device for Deaf Individuals: Results from a National Questionnaire.

MyoSign: enabling end-to-end sign language recognition with wearables

Deaf Community sentence examples within Local Deaf Community

Deaf students’ linguistic access in online education: The case of Trinidad

3006 Academic-Community Partnership and Capacity Strengthening for Deaf Community-engaged Research in the Dominican Republic

Deaf Community sentence examples within Signing Deaf Community

Health Care Needs of Deaf Signers: The Case for Culturally Competent Health Care Providers.

Barriers to Healthcare Services and Supports for Signing Deaf Older Adults

Learn more from Deaf Community 청각 장애인 커뮤니티

Deaf Community sentence examples within Australian Deaf Community

Access and communication for deaf individuals in Australian primary care.

Comparing signers and speakers: Building a directly comparable corpus of Auslan and Australian English

Deaf Community sentence examples within deaf community see

Teaching Music to Deaf Children with Robotics: A Hands-on Approach

Adaptation of assistive and robotic technology to teach music to deaf children.

Signing and the Brain: The Importance of Early Education for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children

Sign Language and Emotion Understanding

Address practices of Deaf undergraduate students and faculty: A study of language, identity, and community

Revisioning the deaf community: the journey to developing a mixed-modality multilingual identity

Developing Signs of Safety: A Deaf-Accessible Counseling Toolkit for Trauma and Addiction.

The Theatre of Yes: Beauty as the Axis of Change for the Transformation of Communities Through Their Own Stories

Emergency Medical Services Communication Barriers and the Deaf American Sign Language User.

Development of arabic sign language dictionary using 3D avatar technologies

Similarity Learning for CNN-Based ASL Alphabet Recognition


The Deaf Heritage Collective: Collaboration with Critical Intent

The experience of D/deaf healthcare professionals during the coronavirus pandemic

Silent no more: Identifying and breaking through the barriers that d/Deaf people face in responding to hazards and disasters

Multi-stage Indian sign language classification with Sensor Modality Assessment


Evaluating Self-Control Theory Among the Deaf Community.

Supporting Learners Who Are Blind Who Are Studying American Sign Language: Adaptations and Strategies

Towards Indian Sign Language Sentence Recognition using INSIGNVID: Indian Sign Language Video Dataset

Tradurre la comunità sorda, non solo una questione linguistica

Continuous 3D Multi-Channel Sign Language Production via Progressive Transformers and Mixture Density Networks

Gesture Detection using Tensor flow lite Efficient Net Model for Communication and E-learning Module for Mute and Deaf

It Requires a Community to Raise a Deaf Adult: A Comparative Study

Dificuldades no acesso da comunidade surda à rede básica de saúde: revisão integrativa

Filosofia na escola: a surdez em foco

Bridging the Gap between Medical Students and the Deaf-Mute Population


Near real-time ASL recognition using a millimeter wave radar

Keberkesanan Kaedah Tahfiz Akhyar dalam Meningkatkan Tahap Penguasaan Hafazan Quran bagi Remaja Pekak

Indigenous and Deaf People and the Implications of Ongoing Practices of Colonization: A Comparison of Australia and Canada

A Novel Speech to Sign Communication Model for Gujarati Language

Convolutional Neural Network based Sign Language Recognition to Assist Online Assessment

American Sign Language Recognition Using RF Sensing

La traducción de la COVID-19 a la lengua de signos española

Combining Forces: The South African Sign Language Bible Translation Project

Tipifikasi Komunikasi dan Adaptasi Profesi Juru Bahasa Isyarat Dengar

Formação de tradutores e intérpretes de Libras-português: visão dos profissionais em atuação no mercado de trabalho

Quali analogie tra scrittura e video in lingua dei segni? Esperienze di traduzione nell’accessibilità museale dell’Istituto Statale per Sordi

Application of the truth and reconciliation model to meaningfully engage deaf sign language users in the research process.

Assessing Medical Students’ Knowledge of the Deaf Culture and Community in Puerto Rico: A Descriptive Study

Representation and resistance: A qualitative study of narratives of Deaf cultural identity

Evaluation of a specialist cognitive clinic for the Deaf community

Using the COVID‐19 as an excuse for unjustified devaluation of preterm infants

O caso de um curso virtual de extensão e sua interação com a comunidade universitária

Physical activity patterns in adults who are Deaf

Emily Shaw: Gesture in Multiparty Interaction

043 A specialist cognitive clinic for the deaf community

A study on the use of sequence-to-sequence neural networks for automatic translation of brazilian portuguese to LIBRAS

Is it ever morally permissible to select for deafness in one’s child?

Mobile app communication aid for Cypriot deaf people

Overcoming developing world challenges of cochlear implantation: Chinese perspective

A Comparison of Hardware Based Approaches for Sign Language Gesture Recognition Systems

Deaf Community Integration: Sociotechnical Systems

BridgeApp: An Assistive Mobile Communication Application for the Deaf and Mute

Adult Learning Sign Language by combining video, interactivity and play in a 3D game platform

Continuous sign language recognition from wearable IMUs using deep capsule networks and game theory

Amplifying ASL: Designing with Futuring and Inclusion

L2/Ln Sign Language Tests and Assessment Procedures and Evaluation

The Vibrating Universe: Astronomy for the Deaf

Deaf Mental Health: Enhancing Linguistically and Culturally Appropriate Clinical Practice