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Data Standard sentence examples within Common Data Standard

Developing core national indicators of public attitudes towards the police in Canada

Clinical Trial Data Sharing for COVID-19–Related Research

Data Standard sentence examples within Health Data Standard

Interoperability of Health Digitalization Case Study on Use of Information Technology for Maternal and Child Health Services in Indonesia

Accessing the ECG Data of the Apple Watch and Accomplishing Interoperability Through FHIR.

Data Standard sentence examples within Trauma Data Standard

Enoxaparin titrated by anti-Xa levels reduces venous thromboembolism in trauma patients.

The Impact of Nursing on Trauma Patient Satisfaction: An Analysis of HCAHPS From 112,283 Patients

Data Standard sentence examples within Linked Data Standard

Packaging research artefacts with RO-Crate

Assisting Biologists in Editing Taxonomic Information by Confronting Multiple Data Sources using Linked Data Standards

Data Standard sentence examples within Big Data Standard

The Road to Big Data Standardisation

Applying Big Data in the Evaluation and Management of Research Performance in Universities

Data Standard sentence examples within Clinical Data Standard

Integrating Somatic and Germline Next-Generation Sequencing Into Routine Clinical Oncology Practice.

Data standards as a pathway to interoperability

Data Standard sentence examples within Sufficient Data Standard

Electronic Health Records and Pulmonary Function Data: Developing an Interoperability Roadmap. An Official American Thoracic Society Workshop Report

International Severe Asthma Registry: Mission Statement: The ISAR Study Group.

Data Standard sentence examples within Different Data Standard


The Research on Improving the Precision of The Polymer IFHI By BP Neural Network of The Method Data Normalization

Data Standard sentence examples within Unified Data Standard

The Application of NLTK Library for Python Natural Language Processing in Corpus Research

Development of Data Integration and Sharing for Geotechnical Engineering Information Modeling Based on IFC

Data Standard sentence examples within Requiring Data Standard

DecTree v1.0 – chemistry speedup in reactive transport simulations: purely data-driven and physics-based surrogates

DecTree v1.0 – Chemistry speedup in reactive transport simulations: purely data-driven and physics-based surrogates

Data Standard sentence examples within Shared Data Standard

Digital Phenotyping in Livestock Farming

Digital Phenotyping in Livestock Farming

Data Standard sentence examples within data standard deviation

Monthly and seasonal streamflow forecasting of large dryland catchments in Brazil

The Systematic Bias of Entropy Calculation in the Multi-Scale Entropy Algorithm

Data Standard sentence examples within data standard harmonization

The Progenetix oncogenomic resource in 2021

The Progenetix oncogenomic resource in 2021

Searching the great metadata timeline: A review of library metadata standards from linear cataloguing rules to ontology inspired metadata standards

Out of the Past: The Challenges of B.C.E. Dates in Metadata

Dataset search in biodiversity research: Do metadata in data repositories reflect scholarly information needs?

How Well a Student Performed? A Machine Learning Approach to Classify Students’ Performance on Virtual Learning Environment

How to publish your data with the EPOS Multi-scale Laboratories

The need for addressing multilingualism, ambiguity and interoperability for visual resources management across metadata platforms

Adapting macroecology to microbiology: using occupancy modelling to assess functional profiles across metagenomes

Principal Component Analysis in Projection and Image Domains—Another Form of Spectral Imaging in Photon-Counting CT

Local-based mapping of carbon footprint variation in Turkey using artificial neural networks

RCSB Protein Data Bank: Celebrating 50 years of the PDB with new tools for understanding and visualizing biological macromolecules in 3D.

Prediction model for the leakage rate in a water distribution system

News from the GGOS DOI Working Group

Research on Conversion and Integration Framework from BIM Data to 3DGIS Scene

Research on Improving Teaching Qualities by Using Metadata to Recognize Plants

Predictive Classification of IBS-subtype: Performance of a 250-gene RNA expression panel vs. Complete Blood Count (CBC) profiles under a Random Forest model.

Innovation in Informatics to Improve Clinical Care and Drug Accessibility for Rare Diseases in China

Digital Health Care in Public Private Partnership Mode.

Multi-dimensional parametric coastal flood risk assessment at a regional scale using GIS

Decision support system for selecting sectoral data-bases in studies of the water–energy–agricultural–environmental nexus

The International Academy of Health Sciences Informatics (IAHSI): 2020 Report

A Collaborative Approach to Sharing Learner Event Data

Eco-efficiency evaluation model: a case study of the Yangtze River Economic Belt

The role of metadata in reproducible computational research

Metadata-driven eye tracking for real-time applications

ION GNSS software‐defined radio metadata standard

Identifying new sperm Western blot loading controls.

A Data Standard for Dynamic Collection Descriptions

Dimensions of personhood in cultural heritage: Who (or what) gets to be called a person?

Developed DICOM standard schema with DSpace

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Data Standard 데이터 표준

Data Standard 데이터 표준
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