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Data Archives sentence examples within Satellite Data Archives

Assessing the impact of dams on riparian and deltaic vegetation using remotely-sensed vegetation indices and Random Forests modelling

Evaluating Combinations of Sentinel-2 Data and Machine-Learning Algorithms for Mangrove Mapping in West Africa

Data Archives sentence examples within Meteorological Data Archives

The Retrospective Analysis of the 1964 Sheveluch Volcano Eruption (Kamchatka) Using the VolSatView Information System

Using R in hydrology: a review of recent developments and future directions

Data Archives sentence examples within Public Data Archives

Distanced LSTM: Time-Distanced Gates in Long Short-Term Memory Models for Lung Cancer Detection

The Alliance of Genome Resources: Building a Modern Data Ecosystem for Model Organism Databases

Learn more from Data Archives 데이터 아카이브

The Next Generation Very Large Array

Half a century of satellite remote sensing of sea-surface temperature

Improved Forensic Recovery of PKZIP Stream Cipher Passwords

Digital data archives as knowledge infrastructures: Mediating data sharing and reuse

How far and how old: Longevity and displacement records from the South African Bird Ringing Scheme for Ardeidae, Threskiornithidae and Ciconiidae

Web service-based exploration of Earth Observation time-series data for analyzing environmental changes

Data Cleaners for Pristine Datasets: Visibility and Invisibility of Data Processors in Social Science

A Digital Library for Research Data and Related Information in the Social Sciences

Evaluating the thermal stratification of Koycegiz Lake (SW Turkey) using in-situ and remote sensing observations

The Concept of a Flexible Database - Implementation of Inheritance and Polymorphism

Public Private Partnerships in Data Services: Learning from Genealogy

Content-based search of earth observation data archives using open-access multitemporal land cover and terrain products

The Data Mining Support Vector Machine Algorithm used for Detecting and Forecasting of Crimes

Current State in Scientific Publishing: AOA Critical Issues Symposium.

Artificial Intelligence Data Science Methodology for Earth Observation

MicrobComp – graphical user interface enables an in-silico comparison of taxonomic differences between two amplicon datasets

A science gateway for Exploring the X-ray Transient and variable sky using EGI Federated Cloud

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Data Archives 데이터 아카이브

Data Archives 데이터 아카이브
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