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Cro X sentence examples within ray computed tomography

The effectiveness of different thresholding techniques in segmenting micro CT images of porous carbonates to estimate porosity

A parametric study of segmentation thresholds for X-ray CT porosity characterisation in composite materials

Cro X sentence examples within scanning electron microscopy

In vitro and in vivo biocompatibility of calcium-phosphate scaffolds 3D printed by stereolithography for bone regeneration.

Incipient chemical weathering at bedrock fracture interfaces in a tropical critical zone system, Puerto Rico

Cro X sentence examples within laser ablation inductively

Speciation and location of arsenic and antimony in rice samples around antimony mining area.

Effect of EDTA and NTA on cadmium distribution and translocation in Pennisetum purpureum Schum cv. Mott

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Cro X sentence examples within ray absorption near

MicroX-ray absorption near edge structure tomography reveals cell-specific changes of Zn ligands in leaves of turnip yellow mosaic virus infected plants

Phosphoryl oligosaccharides of calcium enhance mineral availability and fluorapatite formation.

Cro X sentence examples within ray fluorescence spectroscopy

Analysis of nickel distribution by synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence in nickel-induced early- and late-phase allergic contact dermatitis in Hartley guinea pigs

Micrometer scale imaging of sedimentary climate archives – Sample preparation for combined elemental and lipid biomarker analysis

Cro X sentence examples within ray fluorescence μ

Analysis of Roman Imperial coins by combined PIXE, HE-PIXE and μ-XRF.

Multiphase inclusions associated with residual carbonate in a transition zone diamond from Juina (Brazil)

Cro X sentence examples within ray fluorescence spectrometry

Critical evaluation of the use of total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry for the analysis of whole blood samples: application to patients with thyroid gland diseases

Multi-micro analytical studies of blue-and-white porcelain (Ming dynasty) excavated from Shuangchuan island

Cro X sentence examples within inductively coupled plasma

Influence of Surface Charge on the Phytotoxicity, Transformation, and Translocation of CeO2 Nanoparticles in Cucumber Plants.

Multimodal imaging of hallucinogens 25C- and 25I-NBOMe on blotter papers.

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Synchrotron radiation techniques boost the research in bone tissue engineering.

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Luminescence and scintillation properties of strontium hafnate and strontium zirconate single crystals

Operando multimodal x-ray tomography of transport in electrochemical energy-conversion and storage devices (Conference Presentation)

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Testing annual tree-ring chemistry by X-ray fluorescence for dendroclimatic studies in high-elevation forests from the Spanish Pyrenees

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Paint Delamination as a Result of Zinc Soap Formation in an Early Mondrian Painting

Operando analysis of thermal runaway in lithium ion battery during nail-penetration test using an X-ray inspection system

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Spatial distribution of Si in Pinus Insigne (Pinus radiata) Wood using micro XRF by Synchrotron Radiation

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Selective laser melting-fabricated Ti-6Al-4V alloy: Microstructural inhomogeneity, consequent variations in elastic modulus and implications

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Islamic and post Islamic ceramics from the town of Santarém (Portugal): The continuity of ceramic technology in a transforming society

Grain-scale distribution of molybdenite polytypes versus rhenium contents: μXRD and EBSD data

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3D Diatom–Designed and Selective Laser Melting (SLM) Manufactured Metallic Structures

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Long-term nutrient imbalances linked to drought-triggered forest dieback.

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Ageing assessment of zirconia implant prostheses by three different quantitative assessment techniques

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Odilon Redon’s noir drawings: characterization of materials and methods using noninvasive imaging and spectroscopies

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Analyzing the deformation of copper conductor from a fire impact

Direct Visualization of Spatial inhomogeneity of Spin Stripes Order in La1.72Sr0.28NiO4

MnFeTiO x /attapulgite catalysts with excellent potassium resistance for SCR of NO x with NH 3 at low temperatures

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Basalt weathering as the key to understand the past human use of hematite-based pigments in southernmost Patagonia

Solidification of melts in the CaO-“Fe2O3”-SiO2 system

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Cro X 크로엑스

Cro X 크로엑스
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