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Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within corporate social responsibility

Family Firms and Coupling among CSR Disclosures and Performance

Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainability, Sustainable Development and Corporate Sustainability: What Is the Difference, and Does It Matter?

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within corporate financial performance

Addressing endogeneity in the causal relationship between sustainability and financial performance

Inclusions in and Exclusions from the S&P 500 Environmental and Socially Responsible Index: A Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within Improve Corporate Sustainability

Designation as the Most Admired Firms to the Sustainable Management of Taxes: Evidence from South Korea

Lean integrated management system for sustainability improvement:An integrated system of tools and metrics for sustainability management

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within Toward Corporate Sustainability

What sustainability assurance services do institutional investors demand and what value do they give them?

Case study of sustainable service design in the hospitality industry

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within Achieve Corporate Sustainability


R&D investment, ESG performance and green innovation performance: evidence from China

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within Achieving Corporate Sustainability


Perceived Green Human Resource Management Practices and Corporate Sustainability: Multigroup Analysis and Major Industries Perspectives

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within Enhance Corporate Sustainability

A contingency view of the effects of sustainable shipping exploitation and exploration on business performance

A Retrospective and Foresight: Bibliometric Review of International Research on Strategic Management for Sustainability, 1991–2019

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within Term Corporate Sustainability

Cyber Corporate Social Responsibility Communication: Content Analysis on The Official Website of AQUA Group Company

Achieving Sustainable Developments Goals in India

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within Measure Corporate Sustainability

A framework to measure corporate sustainability performance: A strong sustainability-based view of firm

The Influence of Firm Size on the ESG Score: Corporate Sustainability Ratings Under Review

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within Enhancing Corporate Sustainability

Gaining a Competitive Advantage through Sustainability Strategy: Managerial Applications for the Mining Sector

The Effect of Workplace Spirituality and Ethical Climate on the Corporate Sustainability Performance of Retail Chain Stores in Thailand

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within Support Corporate Sustainability

A Test of the Sustainability Vision Theory: Is It Practical?

Sustainability innovation by integrating employees: the potential of sustainable embedded lead users

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within Influence Corporate Sustainability

Corporate Sustainability: Study of Factors that Affect Corporate Towards Organizational Sustainability in Today Fast-Changing World

Business Analysis on Sustainable Competitive Advantages

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within Addressing Corporate Sustainability

Determining the effects of lean production and servitization of manufacturing on sustainable performance

The impact of leanness on supply chain sustainability: examining the role of sustainability control systems

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within Assessing Corporate Sustainability

A new practical methodology for the banking sector to assess corporate sustainability risks with an application in the energy sector

Coming in from the Cold: A Longitudinal Analysis of SDG Reporting Practices by Spanish Listed Companies Since the Approval of the 2030 Agenda

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within corporate sustainability performance

The effect of corporate sustainability performance on leverage adjustments

Gender diversity and corporate sustainability performance: empirical evidence from India

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within corporate sustainability reporting

Framing sustainability in public procurement by typologizing sustainability indicators – the case of Switzerland

Corporate Sustainability Reporting Framework and Implications for University Governance Transformation

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within corporate sustainability index

Fatores Determinantes do Nível de Divulgação Ambiental nos Relatórios Contábeis das Companhias Listadas no Índice de Sustentabilidade Empresarial (ISE)

Evaluation of the socioeconomic and environmental sustainability of banking institutions in Brazil using the Analytic Hierarchy Process with ratings approach

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within corporate sustainability practice

Sustainability Practices and The Cost of Debt: Evidence from ASEAN Countries

Effect of Gender Diversity on the Association between Corporate Sustainability Practices and Financial Performance of Firms

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within corporate sustainability disclosure

Moderating Role of Corruption Control on Firm Level Determinants of Corporate Sustainability Disclosure Compliance in Nigeria

Bibliometric Analysis of Global Research on Corporate Sustainability Disclosure

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within corporate sustainability assessment

Approbation of Approaches to Assessment of ESG Risks of Russian Companies at the Regional Level

Corporate sustainability assessments: A systematic literature review and conceptual framework

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within corporate sustainability effort

The Evolution of Sustainability-as-Usual

Gamification for Sustainable Employee Behavior: Extended Abstract for the CHI PLAY 2021 Doctoral Consortium

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within corporate sustainability management

Relationship between Corporate Sustainability Management and Sustainable Tax Strategies

From Stakeholder Communication to Engagement for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): A Case Study of LG Electronics

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within corporate sustainability initiative

Assembling sustainability reporting in Singapore

Ecocentric management mindset: a framework for corporate sustainability

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within corporate sustainability report

Pergantian Dewan Komisaris Dan Dewan Direksi Terhadap Pengungkapan Laporan Keberlanjutan

Data for Water Risks: Current Trends in Reporting Frameworks, Shortcomings, and the Way Forward

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within corporate sustainability goal

Driving Aspirational Process Mass Intensity Using SMART-PMI and Innovative Chemistry

Revising the Non-Financial Reporting Directive and the role of board of directors: a lost opportunity?

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within corporate sustainability principle

Planning for sustainable tourism development in Wales: an analysis of destination management plans

Technology innovation and sustainability: challenges and research needs

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within corporate sustainability concept

Exploring key enablers of sustainable transportation in small-and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises

Future-Proofing Capitalism: The Paradox of the Circular Economy for Plastics

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within corporate sustainability strategy

Asymmetric effects of corporate sustainability strategy on value creation among global automotive firms: A dynamic panel quantile regression approach

The Corporate Sustainability Strategy in Organisations: A Systematic Review and Future Directions

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within corporate sustainability consideration

Alternative plastics

Climate care is health care: A call for collaborative pharmacy action

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within corporate sustainability dimension

Understanding the role of territorial factors in the large-scale hydropower business sustainability: A systematic literature review

Towards a sustainable world through a SMART digital transformation

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within corporate sustainability claim

The Ongoing Dynamics of Integrating Sustainability into Business Practice: The Case of Novo Nordisk A/S

Blinded by the light? Analyzing sustainability authenticity, customer service perceptions, and halo effects

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within corporate sustainability measure

Modelling and analysis of sustainable freight transportation

Editorial Design and Management of Sustainable and Resilient Supply Chains

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within corporate sustainability thinking

The Need for Incorporating Sustainability Thinking into Higher National Diploma Electrical/Electronic Engineering Curriculum in Nigeria

Education for Sustainability: Developing Ecocritical Literature Circles in the Student Teacher Classroom

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within corporate sustainability concern

On the concept of sustainable sustainability: An application to the Portuguese construction sector

Sustainability Concerns and Investor Responses to Earnings Announcements

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within corporate sustainability framework

The Linkage between Sustainability and Innovation Performance in IT Hardware Sector

Barriers to the use of integrated project delivery (IPD): a quantified model for Malaysia

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within corporate sustainability discourse

‘But We Cannot Do It All’: Investors’ Sustainability Tensions and Strategic Selectivity in the Development of Geothermal Energy in Kenya

Corporate sustainability in Canadian and US maritime ports

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within corporate sustainability communication

Online sustainability information disclosure of mold companies

When Do Firms Oversell or Undersell Environmental Sustainability?: An Empirical Analysis of Sustainability Communications

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within corporate sustainability standard

A Two Phase Integrated Fuzzy Decision-Making Framework for Green Supplier Selection in the Coffee Bean Supply Chain

Assessment sharing intra-industry strategic alliances: Effects on sustainable supplier management within multi-tier supply chains

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within corporate sustainability activity

The Rise of Emergent Corporate Sustainability: A Self-Organised View

Mining Sustainability Practices in Latin America

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within corporate sustainability rating

Sustainability rating and moral fictionalism: opening the black box of nonfinancial agencies

Climate change disclosure ratings: the ideological play

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within corporate sustainability issue

Integrating sustainability issues into English language courses at university

Is the incorporation of sustainability issues and Sustainable Development Goals in project management a catalyst for sustainable project delivery?

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within corporate sustainability value

Integration of Sustainability in Engineering and Architectural Studies in Spanish Universities

Encouraging consumption reduction: Findings of a qualitative study with clothing companies on sufficiency-promoting communication

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within corporate sustainability policy

Natural gas transportation business contribution to Indonesia’s national energy policy and carbon emission offset by on-grid solar PV utilization: Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia

Factors affecting the outcome of corporate sustainability policy: a review paper

Corporate Sustainability sentence examples within corporate sustainability theory

Faith in the future: On a mission to integrate sustainability into management theory and practice

Corporate Payments for Ecosystem Services in Theory and Practice: Links to Economics, Business, and Sustainability

High-Commitment Work Practices and the Social Responsibility Issue: Interaction and Benefits

Making sense of sustainability work: A narrative approach

How Corporate Sustainability Affects Product Developers’ Approaches Toward Improving Product Sustainability

Research on Corporate Sustainability

U.S. Corporate Boards Suffer from Inadequate Expertise in Financially Material ESG Matters

Corporate Uptake of the Sustainable Development Goals: Mere Greenwashing or an Advent of Institutional Change?

Sustainable corporate governance and new auditing issues: a preliminary empirical evidence on key audit matters

Servant Leadership, Business Transformation, and Corporate Competitiveness

A New Generation of Sustainability Governance: Potentials for 2030 Agenda Implementation in Swiss Cantons

Financial Institutions’ Risk Profile and Contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals

Achieving triple bottom line performance: highlighting the role of social capabilities and environmental management accounting

A Preliminary Investigation into the Environmental and Social Dimensions on the Sustainability Triple Bottom Line